This time, AJ didn’t just lie there. He shifted and came up behind her, cupping her sex and smoothing his fingers over her pussy. Delicious sensation flowed through her like a molten river of lava as he began to move his hand back and forth, teasing her clit and pussy lips, sliding his fingers inside to wet them and taking them back to roll over her clit until the pleasure she received mixed with the pleasure she gave.

She wanted more, widening her legs, and in doing so she straddled Pax, her breasts lying on his thighs as she grasped his shaft in her hand. He slid a pillow under his head so he could be half-upright, watching her as he lifted, sliding his cock between her lips while AJ moved in and did magical things to her pussy and clit with his tongue.

She broke away from Pax only long enough to see what AJ was doing. Her body was on fire, throbbing from his tongue and his fingers and oh, God, what was he doing to her?

“I want to see, AJ.”

“Here.” Pax slid out from underneath her. “Now flip over onto your back and you can see.”

She turned over and AJ put his mouth on her again, deliberately taking his time to lick the length of her, adding his fingers to torture her even further. She gripped Pax’s cock and began to stroke as AJ continued to lick her. And when Pax bent and took a long, slow lick across her nipple, she slid her fingers into his hair and held him there, her gaze flitting between his tongue at her breast and AJ’s mouth on her pussy.

The magic of what they were doing was too much, taking her where she had no hope of holding back. She fell into climax, aware of the tight grip she had on Pax’s cock. As he sucked hard on her nipple, he didn’t seem to care when she cried out, and AJ pumped his fingers harder inside her, licking her over and over again until she was shaking and needed more than just hands and mouths on her.

“Fuck me,” she said, lifting against AJ. She’d had enough of foreplay, this endless, sweet torture that drove her to the brink of madness. She wanted his cock inside her and she was damn well going to demand it if she had to.

AJ got up and left the room only long enough to return with a box of condoms. He slid one on in a hurry and was back between her legs, parting them. Teresa watched in anticipation, rolling her hand over Pax’s cock, looking up at him, warmed as he smiled down at her and smoothed her hair away from her face.

AJ held on to her knees. “You ready?”

“Yes. Fuck me now.”

He slid his cock inside her, inch by inch, letting her get used to the feel of him. She was so wet already, but it had been a long time. Her pussy gripped and sheathed him as he buried himself all the way inside her. As she pulsed around him, AJ’s eyes closed and he tilted his head back.

“Ahh, you feel good, Teresa.”

A rush of pleasure and heat flowed from her, and she lifted against him, shuddering at the sensation, at the knowledge that this was so right, that being with these men felt so perfect. She glanced up at Pax and gently tugged at his shaft to bring him to her.

He leaned forward and she took him in her mouth. She had to have him inside her, too, had to taste him while AJ fucked her. She swirled her tongue around the crest of his cock head and slid him inside her mouth, the heat and thickness of him as he rocked against her tongue only intensifying what she already felt being fucked by AJ.

“When you suck Pax, your pussy gets wet, Teresa. Did you know that? It squeezes me and spills your hot cream all over me.”

She did know. She felt the quivers, the moisture as AJ withdrew and thrust inside her again. He was so tender and careful with her, so restrained as he moved within her. She loved that gentle side of him when he looked anything but a gentle man. That’s what had always attracted her to him—the incongruous nature of wild versus tame, that he could rein in those impulses, that he had that kind of control. She saw that same control now as he moved inside her, the taut muscles of his upper body straining as he held back, moved gently against her. She wondered what he’d be like unleashed, all that power directed at her.

Pax pulled his cock from between her lips and put his mouth there, kissing her, his hands roaming over her breasts.

“I want to hear you breathe, listen to the sounds you make while AJ makes you come,” he said. “And after he comes, I’m going to fuck you.”

She shuddered at the dark promise in his words, at the way he looked at her like he wanted to possess her, devour her, own her. He skimmed his palm possessively over her breasts and down her belly, slid his fingers over her clit and began to move them against her as AJ fucked her.

Her breath caught as she looked at Pax, the storm blowing hot and furious in his dark eyes. He bent and kissed her, never once stopping the movement of his hand at her clit, rubbing her in tandem to AJ’s thrusts. The sensations were overwhelming. She grasped Pax’s arms and held on. She was drowning, unable to control what was happening to her. Only this time it wasn’t at all like five years ago—this was incredible, a maelstrom of sensation that threatened to steal her sanity.

“Let go,” Pax said, murmuring against her lips before he kissed his way to her jaw and neck. “Let loose, Teresa. I want to feel you squirm and cry when you come.”

She wanted to come, could feel it rising with every touch from Pax’s hand, with every movement of AJ’s cock inside her. She rocked her head from side to side as the sensations assaulted her, one on top of the other. AJ held on to her legs, lifting her as he drove deeper. Pax slipped an arm around her and held her up.

“Watch, Teresa. Watch what we’re doing to you.”

This was so painfully intimate she wasn’t sure she could, but as she did, she glanced at both of them. They were hers. She was theirs. A bond forming that couldn’t be broken. She would never do this with anyone but them.

Pax dipped and took her mouth in a kiss that ravaged her from the inside out, his tongue diving in and taking possession of hers, driving the last of the ghosts away as he cradled her to him and rocked his fingers against her clit. She cried out against his mouth as her orgasm hit her a split second later. Pax let her go and AJ came down on top of her, kissing her as her climax shuddered through her. He swept his hand underneath her to lift her, then shuddered with her as he came, his fingers digging into her buttocks as he ground against her.

Spent, shaking, she held on to AJ while Pax stroked her hair. AJ lifted, smiled down at her and kissed her, then withdrew.

She should be satisfied, but she wasn’t. Not yet. She turned to Pax and held her arms out for him.

“Are you sure you’re not too tired for this?”

She shook her head. “I’m not tired. And we aren’t going to be finished until you’re inside me.”

Pax sucked in a breath and nodded, went to get a condom. A moment later he was there next to her, lying on his side. He lifted her leg and draped it over his hip.

“I’ve wanted to fuck you from the first second I laid eyes on you at the bar.”

Teresa swallowed and wove her fingers into his hair, remembering that first night, how meeting him had given her that first jolt into her reawakened sexuality. “Ditto.”

He slid into her, nice and easy, and as much as AJ had held back, she knew Pax held back even more. When she moved against him, his jaw clenched. She caressed the spot where he held that tension and felt it relax.

“I’m not going to break,” she said, smiling at Pax. AJ moved in behind her to cup her breast and kiss her neck.

“I know that,” Pax said, stilling. “You’re stronger than any woman I’ve ever known. A survivor.” He rested his hand on her thigh and surged against her, making her gasp. “But you’re not ready for all we have to offer. Not yet. So let’s just take it slow and easy tonight.”

“You tempt me,” she said, kissing Pax and laying her hand over AJ’s, helping him caress her nipple. “I want to know everything about the two of you.”

Pax thrust. “You will. Plenty of time for that.”

She groaned and tilted her head back against AJ, turning so he could kiss her. “I never thought it could be this good.”

“It gets better,” AJ whispered against her mouth. “A lot better.”

Pax shuttled his hips, rocking against her clit, awakening her desire to fever pitch once again.

And it got better? “I’m not sure I’ll survive more than this.”

“You can take more than you think.” Pax tightened his grip on her leg, lifting her so they could both see where they were connected. He pulled out, then pushed in with more force this time. “You were made for us, Teresa.”

She believed it. The three of them fit perfectly in so many ways.

How could they take her to the limit so quickly again? She was so close, on the ragged edge and ready to take the leap. It was so good that tears pricked her eyes. This was all too much—too much pleasure, too much emotion. She wasn’t ready for all of it yet. But she couldn’t stop it any more than she could stop from climaxing as Pax quickened his pace and began to drive his cock harder inside her. Her orgasm came from deep within, and she held on to both her men as she rode out the wave that burst from every nerve ending and seemed to go on forever. Pax tightened against her, making eye contact with her as he went over the edge, and she’d never seen anything so amazing as this man when he came inside her. It was so raw, so true and brutally honest it shook her to her core. She wasn’t sure any man had ever let her see so deeply inside him. She wondered if Pax had even been aware of it, because he closed his eyes and pulled her against him while they both rode out the aftereffects.

She didn’t want to let go of this pleasure.

She didn’t want to let go of any of this.

But eventually they disengaged and AJ and Pax led her into the giant bathroom, where they all shared a shower. They soaped her up and washed her body tenderly, then rinsed and dried her off and helped her into bed.

She thought they’d leave her, but she was wrong. They fit her in the middle of her giant bed, and Pax climbed in on one side of her, AJ on the other. AJ turned off the lamp, and the three of them nestled together in the darkness of the room, the shades closed against the filtering gray light.

It was nearly dawn and Teresa was exhausted, yet sleep eluded her. She was nestled in bed with two men, and had just had sex for the first time since the rape. Really great sex, where the memories of that horrible act had been erased by something incredibly beautiful.

It had been a phenomenal night. Her entire life had just changed. Her mind was filled with possibilities and thoughts and what ifs.

She closed her eyes and let sleep take her.


TERESA WOKE TO PINPRICKS OF BRIGHT SUNLIGHT BREAKING through the shade as it fluttered back and forth from the overhead fan. She blinked and opened her eyes fully to see glimpses of a very bright day outside.

She tilted her head back to glance at the clock on the nightstand.

Noon. Wow. She was about to jump out of bed, but a steely arm imprisoned her. She skimmed the arm with her fingers, smiling as she recognized the hand.

Pax. She slid back under the covers and wriggled against him, backing into one sizeable erection.

“It’s part of the territory, darlin’,” he whispered as he nuzzled her neck, planting kisses against her nape until she broke out in delicious goose bumps.

“Is that right?”

“Yeah. Happens every morning I wake up against a beautiful ass like yours.”

“Huh. So you’re saying I’m not special?”

He smoothed his hand over the curve of her hip and slipped his shaft between her thighs. “Oh, I’d say you’re pretty damn special.”

Desire sparked hot as languid sleep faded instantly. She reached behind her to cup his neck. “Why don’t you show me how much?”

“Grab a condom and I will.”

She did and handed it to him. He had it on in a matter of seconds, the heat of his body once again flush against her back. He shifted her, aligning her pussy so he could slip inside her with one careful thrust. Copyright 2016 - 2024