“You always wake up wet?”

“Only when a hot cock like yours is pressed against my ass.”

“So you’re saying I’m not special?”

She laughed. “I’d say your cock is very special to me right now.”

He kissed her back, sweeping her hair away to nibble at her neck, lightly biting her.

“Oh, I like that.” Tingles spread down her spine. She moaned as he thrust deeper and cupped her sex to rub her clit.

“What do you like? The biting or the rubbing?”


Desire flashed hot and fast as he moved within her, cupping one breast in his hand to play with her nipple. She reached down to rub her clit as he rocked inside her with a slow, easy rhythm that built the tension in a hurry. He knew just how and where to stroke to give her maximum pleasure. Caressing the throbbing bud only added to the need to go off. She tightened, holding still, feeling him thicken inside her as he took her right to the edge.

“I’m going to come, Teresa. Come with me.”

She increased the movements of her fingers over her clit. She was slick, wet, and she slid her fingers down to feel where they were joined.

“Ah, Christ. I like you touching me.” The sound of his voice, so husky with need, the way his cock grew rigid as he thrust deep inside her, brought her climax shuddering through her. Pax gripped her hip and tightened his hold on her, pushing into her with one hard thrust, then burying his face against her neck as he came.

Panting, he kissed her neck and shoulder.

After Teresa caught her breath, she said, “I like waking up like this.”

Pax drew her around to face him, planting one seriously hot kiss on her. “Me, too.”

She gazed up at eyes that a woman could spend all day admiring. “You keep looking at me like that, we’ll never get out of this bed.”

He grinned. “Is that a bad thing?”

“You two going to spend the entire day in bed? I’m hungry.”

Teresa’s head shot up to see AJ. “Where’ve you been?”

“While you two were sleeping like the dead, I took a ride down to Main Street to see what was going on.”

“Anything?” she asked, sitting up.

“No Fists, if that’s what you’re asking. Now, get up, Pax. I’m starving to death.”

Pax rolled over and got out of bed to head to the bathroom, shaking his head at AJ as he walked by. “What, are you incapable of fixing breakfast?”

AJ climbed onto the bed and kissed Teresa, drawing her against him. “You’re the chef,” he said to Pax. “I’m just the recipient of your masterpieces. I made coffee. Isn’t that good enough?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Pax said from the bathroom. He came out and leaned against the doorway. “I think I want eggs, bacon and pancakes this morning.” He looked over to the shades. “Or should I say, this afternoon. How do y’all feel about that?”

Teresa’s stomach growled. “I think I’m starving. I’ll get dressed and come help you.”

“Not if I convince her to stay in bed with me,” AJ said, drawing her head to his chest.

Pax laughed. “I’ll go start breakfast.”

He left the room and AJ rolled over on top of Teresa, kissing her until she lost her train of thought. Is this what it would be like to share a life with these men? One making love to her and then other taking his place?

As AJ worshipped her mouth with his lips and tongue, she thought that wouldn’t be a bad thing at all. She’d never felt so cared for.

“Come on,” he said, rolling off the bed and holding his hand out. “Time to get up and get something to eat.”

She let him help her up. “I’ll get dressed and meet you in the kitchen.”

AFTER BREAKFAST—OR BRUNCH—THEY ALL SAT OUTSIDE AND drank coffee. Teresa studied Pax and AJ, who seemed to always get along so well. She wondered how each of them felt about her being alone with the other. AJ hadn’t seemed surprised or upset to find her in bed with Pax this morning, and it had been quite obvious what the two of them had been doing. Yet AJ didn’t seem jealous.

She didn’t know whether she should be offended by that or relieved.

“Uh-oh,” Pax said.

“What?” AJ asked.

“She’s thinking. I can tell.”

“How can you tell?” Teresa asked.

Pax dipped his finger between her brows. “You get this little crinkle right here when you’re deep in thought.”

She’d dated a lot of guys in her lifetime and not one had ever noticed that. “Is that so?”

“Yeah. So what’s got you thinking?”

“Actually, I was pondering some things about you two.”

“Oh shit.” AJ looked to Pax, then back at her. “What did we do?”

Teresa laughed. “It’s not bad. I’m just . . . curious.”


“This threesome thing.”

AJ leaned over, wrapped his fingers around the back of her neck and drew her close for a kiss. She shuddered out a breath when he let her go.

“I would have thought last night might have answered at least a few of your questions.”

“Oh, it did,” she said, picking up her coffee and taking a sip. “A few, anyway.”

“But not all,” Pax said. “So ask.”

Teresa looked to AJ and swallowed hard. This needed to be said, the questions had to be asked because she had to know where things stood. “Pax and I had just had sex when you walked into the bedroom.”

AJ nodded. “Yeah. So?”

“Didn’t that bother you?”

“No. Why should it? Pax walked in on you and me having some fun before. It didn’t bother Pax.”

“Nope,” Pax said. “It doesn’t work that way, Teresa. We’re not territorial.”

She pursed her lips, not wanting to say what thought had popped into her head. It was stupid, really.

“You think it doesn’t bother us because we don’t care.”

Her gaze slid to Pax, wondering how he’d gotten so good at mind reading. “Yes.”

“It’s not like that at all. We don’t treat women like something we own. We want them to have a good time when they’re with us. If we didn’t care, we’d fuck ’em and forget ’em. We don’t do that. When we’re with a woman we want her to feel special.”

AJ leaned over and took her hand. “And we don’t want to fuck you and forget you, Teresa. Did you feel used?”

“No. I guess I just worry about how to . . . divide my time.”

AJ laughed. “Don’t worry about that. Pax and I aren’t jealous of each other. Whether you’re with both of us or one at a time, we can handle it.”

“It should always be your choice to make,” Pax said.

“Somehow, for a woman, that all seems a little too good to be true. What do you guys get out of it?” she asked.

Pax and AJ answered almost simultaneously. “You.”

THE BAR WAS SLAMMING BUSY THAT NIGHT. TERESA BARELY HAD time to breathe between filling drink orders, which made Steve and Sandy deliriously happy. Even Steve had to get behind one of the bars tonight, and though he filled drink orders, he wasn’t wowing the crowd with his looks or his body. That is until he tried showing some skin, rolling his T-shirt up over his ample belly and tying it underneath his sizeable man boobs, which damn near made Teresa choke she was laughing so hard, as were most of the customers, who promptly filled up Steve’s tip jar. But Sandy warned him: If he tried to get up on the bar and wiggle his ass, she was going home.

Fortunately, Steve declined and let the dancers handle that aspect of drawing in the customers. And Teresa was happy, because the loud music and sexy girls dancing on the bar, as well as the nonstop flowing beer and great food, meant a huge draw of customers streaming in and out and the possibility of the Fists coming in. And if the Fists came in, there was a chance the guy who killed Larks would be among them.

It was time for her team to get a break. She had to clear her brother. And she had finally convinced AJ and Pax to get out there and roam around on their bikes while she worked the bar. Spreading out was the best way to hunt for the Fists, rather than all of them holed up in one spot. She had this place covered, and it was biker central, with her situated at the main bar, next to the front doors. If the Fists came in, she was going to see them. Pax and AJ had gone out riding and said they were going to split up, one heading up to the concert area at the campground, the other one milling about down on the main drag and wherever else groups of bikers were hanging out. Teresa felt confident they had all the bases covered.

And the Fists were here in Sturgis, she knew it, she had a gut feeling about it, and her gut feelings were never wrong.

In the meantime, she was enjoying the music as well as the throng of bikers clamoring for another beer. The clientele was patient and friendly and out for a good time. She had a prime spot and the tip jar was full.


She flipped around and saw Russ, Joey’s best friend and VP of the Thorns. She grinned. “Hey, Russ.”

“What are you doing here?”


“I see that. I didn’t know you were coming to Sturgis for the rally.”

She leaned across the bar to whisper at him. “Well, I’m here to find the guy who stabbed Larks so I can clear Joey.”

Russ arched a brow. “By yourself?”

“No. I have a couple friends with me.”

“Find the guy yet?”

She shook her head. “I haven’t even spotted the Fists yet. Have you?”

“No. But there are a lot of bikers here. And we’re camping nearly a hundred miles away. So we’ve been mostly riding and seeing the sights. This is our first trip into the main drag.”

“It’s awesome here, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it is.” He grabbed the beer Teresa offered and took a long swallow. “So how did you get this gig?”

“They were shorthanded and I have the experience. This place is a prime location, so I figured it would be a good spot to stay put and see if the Fists show up.”

“Great idea. We’ll keep our eyes open and I’ll call you if I spot them.”

“Thanks, Russ.”

He moved off to join the other Thorns, who waved at her after Russ pointed in her direction. After about a half hour they all took off. It made her feel good to know Joey’s guys were all here, too. Between them and AJ and Pax, she felt safe.

“So what are you doing when you get off work tonight?”

A tall, good-looking biker leaned over the bar while she fetched him a beer. “Going home with my guys,” she said with a smile as she handed him his change.

His brows raised. “Guys? As in plural?”

She winked. “Guys as in plural.”

He looked her up and down, smiled and nodded as he walked away. She served another customer, and a decided warmth spread through her belly.

Yeah. Her two guys. It had felt good saying it. Even if they really weren’t hers, not for the long term anyway. But while she was here, they definitely belonged to her, so she intended to own that fantasy for as long as she could.

Funny how easily she’d adapted to the lifestyle. One night of hot sex with two men and she was all in. But who wouldn’t be after being with Pax and AJ? She’d never felt more completely loved and valued as she had been last night.

And there was that warm, giddy feeling again. Though they weren’t here right now, she could feel their presence, could smell each of them, so unique even in their individual scents, which went beyond soap and shampoo into something more earthy and elemental. She craved their touch, their kisses, the way she felt when she was around them.

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