Pax smiled at her, liking that she was new to all this. “There are no rules. We just do what feels good . . . what feels right . . . for everyone.”

“Which means if something doesn’t feel good or right, you say no,” AJ added, shifting her so she sat sideways on his lap. “And we stop. You understand?”

Teresa’s lips lifted. “I understand. But I trust both of you.”

Pax felt a tightness in his chest that had never been there before, a sense of responsibility to do this right for her. “You tell us what you want.”

Her lips curled in a smile. “Since I’m the only one without any clothes on. Having you both naked would be a great start.”

Pax laughed and stood. “I think we can fix that easily enough.” His jeans were already unzipped, his cock stone hard. Tasting her had been heaven. Her pussy was sweet and tart, and he’d thought about nothing but sliding inside her and fucking her until she came. He wanted to see her face when she let go, wanted to know that those men who had hurt her were erased from her memory. He wanted to give her new memories. Good ones.

He let his jeans fall to the floor, liking that she watched, that she looked at his cock, then at his face and smiled. It made him want to bury himself deep inside her so he could surround himself with that warmth that always seemed to be missing in his life.

She’s not going to make you whole, man. No woman can do that. No woman has yet, no woman ever will.

He knew that. But just for a little while, he could sink inside her and hold on to something sweet and feel like maybe he deserved a woman like her. Even if it was a fantasy. Even if it wasn’t permanent.

Because nothing ever was.

“You are so beautiful,” she said, moving in to him, laying her hand on his chest.

His heart pounded, as if this was the first time for him. But it sure as hell wasn’t the first time. Not with a woman, not with him and AJ and a woman. But it felt like it was just him and Teresa and no one else existed as she rose up and pressed her lips to his. And goddamn if it wasn’t the most perfect kiss—soft and sweet, as she tested his mouth with just a little pressure, her breath warming his lips, the tip of her tongue teasing his.

Restraint wasn’t in his nature, but for Teresa, he would resist crushing her against him and doing what came naturally. He’d let her play, just hold her loose and easy and not scare the living shit out of her by throwing her down and burying himself inside her. But damn, he wanted to. He really wanted to.

And when she stepped back and smiled up at him, her face flushed, her eyes glassy, he could only imagine how overwhelming this must be for her. After what she’d been through, after not having sex in so long. AJ and him must be too damn much.

“You want to be alone with just AJ, you say so and I’ll back out,” he said.

She frowned, cocked her head to the side and slid her fingers in his, gripping hard. “Pax, I want to be with you.”

He sucked in a breath, kind of shocked at the relief he felt at her answer. “Okay.”

She swept her hand across his cheek, something he couldn’t define in her expression. All he knew was it made his gut hurt to see it there. Then she turned to AJ.

AJ STOOD BACK AND WAITED WHILE TERESA WAS WITH PAX. HE didn’t want to overwhelm her by standing too close and smothering her. Besides, this gave him a great view of her mighty fine ass, the tattoo on her lower back only adding to the sexiness of her body.

When she turned to face him, she quirked her lips. “Get naked.”

He grinned and dropped his boxers, his erection jutting up to bob against his stomach. Her eyes widened and she lifted her gaze to his face, then licked her lips.


It had been a long time, and they’d been kids back then, not adults. He’d wanted to make love to her back then, but knew if he did he’d never be able to walk away from her. And staying just hadn’t been an option for him. He’d wanted no ties, and Teresa was a huge tie.

He wasn’t sure he’d be able to walk away from her now, but nothing short of the end of the world was going to stop him from making love to her tonight. He drew her into his arms. The silky feel of her naked flesh against him made him draw in a breath.

“Finally,” he said, smoothing her hair away from her face. “I’ve waited a long time for this.”

She tilted her head back and smiled. “Me, too.”

“Pax and I will take good care of you. You don’t have anything to be afraid of.”

“I’m not afraid. Not of the two of you. I just don’t know what to do.”

Pax come up behind her and nodded to AJ. “You call the shots, babe. You tell us what you want, and don’t want,” Pax said.

She shuddered against AJ, then half turned so she could look at both of them. “Let’s go stretch out on that big bed in my room. I’ve never had the opportunity to play with two men.”

They let her lead them into her room. AJ watched her hips sway back and forth as they walked the hallway and she opened the door to her room. She pulled the curtains and moonlight streamed in across her king-sized bed, then she turned to them.

“Is this enough light or do you need more?”

“Whatever you want, Teresa,” AJ said.

She seemed to consider it for a moment, then moved to the nightstand and switched on the small light there. “I want to see both of you a little better. This is a first for me and I don’t want to miss a thing.”

AJ sucked in a breath. Neither did he.

TERESA WONDERED IF IT WAS POSSIBLE TO BE EXCITED AND scared shitless at the same time. She supposed it was possible, because she felt both. Here she was, in her bedroom with two testosterone-laden men, and she had no earthly idea what she was supposed to do with them. She was sure it showed, too, because AJ came up beside her and wrapped his arms around her.

“There are no rules to this, Teresa. No written set of instructions that say you have to get from point A to point B in a certain way.”

Pax came over and sat on the bed, taking her hands in his. “We just do what feels good, what feels natural to everyone. Whatever you like, we like.”

“You make it sound so simple.”

“It is,” he said, pushing onto the bed and leaning on his elbows. “I can tell there’s something you want to do. What is it?”

She shuddered, then half turned to AJ. He smiled and nodded. “Go ahead.”

She crawled onto the bed and came up beside Pax, then turned to AJ and held out her hand, inviting him to join them. “Come on.”

AJ climbed on the bed and positioned himself opposite her, lying on his side with one hand propping up his head. He swept her hair over her shoulder and let his fingers trickle down her spine. She shivered and inhaled. One man touching her, the other looking at her like he wanted to eat her alive.

“You’re in charge here, Teresa,” AJ said. “You have the power.”

Her eyes drifted closed for a second as she realized what that meant, what AJ was telling her. They weren’t going to demand anything of her or take over what was happening. It wasn’t like that night five years ago. She would call the shots. She understood what this meant, what they were doing for her.

She shifted and sat on her heels, content for the moment to stare down at these two incredible men.

“I’m like a kid in a candy store,” she said. “Right now I just want to window-shop. And then I want everything.”

Pax laid his palm on her thigh, the heat of his hand searing her flesh. “Look all you want. We aren’t going anywhere.”

They were both tan, with powerful bodies. AJ and Pax had lean, natural muscles she found incredibly appealing. She reached out to touch Pax’s chest, a solid brick wall. He laced his hands behind his head and watched her. Then she shifted her gaze to AJ.

“Go ahead. Touch him. I don’t get jealous, Teresa. Anything you do to Pax is going to turn me on, so quit worrying.”

She leaned over Pax, her hair falling forward to tickle his face. He laughed and she did, too. And when he gathered her hair in his hand and held it for her, her smile died and she bent to lightly brush her lips against his. He tightened his grip on her hair, drawing her closer, his groans making her wet, making her bold.

“Kiss me, Teresa.”

She did, pressing her mouth against his. He took possession like she knew he would, wrapping his arm around her, sealing his lips to hers, his tongue claiming hers like there was a battle to be won. She surrendered gladly and fell against him, powerless against the sensations of hunger and need Pax drew out of her with one kiss. She found his nipples and slid the pads of her thumbs over them, wondering if he’d like what she liked. The sounds he made against her mouth told her he did.

She could get lost in his kiss.

Shaken, she pulled away and turned to AJ. He had been watching, his eyes darkening to a midnight storm. She pushed him onto his back and leaned over him. It was a heady experience going from one man right to the next, knowing that—at least for tonight—both of them belonged to her. AJ cupped her face and brought her mouth to his, teasing nips and licks against her lips that left her breathless with anticipation of the next. And when she thought she couldn’t take any more, he took her mouth in a deep, soulful kiss that made butterflies dance in her belly, made her wet and needy and ready to climb on top of him and slide his cock inside her until the ache exploded into an orgasm. It was so different from the way Pax kissed her, and it was patently obvious she was never going to mistake one for the other.

She wondered if fucking them would be this different, too.

The thought made her tingle all over.

She sat up to catch her breath, overwhelmed from the sensations pinging through her. She took a moment to stare at both men, who seemed content to lie on their backs and let her do just that. What it must cost them to restrain themselves like that.

She danced her fingers over their chests and abs. Neither of them even flinched as she dipped farther south. Then she paused and realized they were hers to do with as she wanted, a fact that hadn’t yet sunk in.

She knew what she wanted to do, so why was she so hesitant?

“Go ahead,” AJ said. “Do it.”

She reached out and skimmed her fingers over the base of his cock, wound her hand around it, measuring the heat and thickness of him.

“That feels good, Teresa.”

It was a heady feeling to be able to give him pleasure. She turned to Pax, so different than AJ in just about every way. And he was watching as she stroked AJ’s cock, imagining, she thought, how it would feel when she touched him. She didn’t want him to wait—she couldn’t wait—she skimmed her hand over his shaft, too, lifted it, stroked it, loving the sound of his sharp intake of breath.

“Damn” was all he said, and he lifted against her hand, pushing his cock against the tight fist she’d made.

Two cocks in her hands, two men in her bed. And she was still so far outside her element she had no idea what to do.

She shifted onto her knees, both her hands still filled with cock. She liked being in charge. Touching them, feeling the velvet texture of their shafts as she stroked them in unison, seeing the strained looks on their faces. She pulled up to the crest, slid down, then back up again, swirling her thumb over the soft heads, was a heady experience. She was in the position of power now, of giving them pleasure, and she wanted to give them so much more.

She let go of AJ and bent over Pax’s cock, tilted her head so he could watch. He swept her hair to the side and held it while she let her tongue snake out to slide slow and easy over the crest. It beaded with milky fluid and she lapped it onto her tongue, then placed her mouth over the tip of his cock, taking it gently between her lips inch by inch.

And she watched him while she did, needed to see his face, just as he’d watched her while he’d given her such incredible pleasure. Copyright 2016 - 2024