“I want you, Teresa. I’ve wanted you since the first night I met you. Now you tell me what you want. Straight up.”

She caught a glimpse of the raging passion in his eyes, thought about telling him to go to hell, but it would have been a lie. “You know what I want.”

“I need to hear it.”

“Kiss me.”

His eyes had gone dark, dangerous, hungry. “Why?”

“Because I want you. I want to be naked with you. I want you to touch me, to make love to me, to treat me like a woman instead of something broken.”

He slipped his hand behind her neck and brought her mouth to his.

An explosion of heat slammed her body at the first touch of his lips against hers. As before when he kissed her, he wasn’t gentle. She didn’t expect him to be, didn’t want him to be. Pent-up passion and maybe more than a little frustration had taken control and she needed a man like Pax—a man who would take her without being afraid she would crumble.

She wasn’t going to crumble. She wanted to be held and touched and kissed by a man who wouldn’t treat her like she was fragile, or damaged, who wasn’t too afraid of her past to help her bury it.

She threaded her fingers through his hair and rose up on her tiptoes to press her body against his. His heat burned through her thin T-shirt, his jeans scraping her bare legs as she lifted against him. Too many barriers. She wanted to feel his skin. She reached between them to draw the zipper down on his jeans.

Pax inhaled sharply. “Not yet, babe,” he said, then swept her into his arms and carried her inside. She thought he’d take her to her bedroom, or his, but he sat her on the sofa. He leaned over to switch on the small table lamp, bathing them both in soft light.

“I want to see you.” He swept her hair from her face with his fingers and kissed her again, surging up to press his chest against her breasts.

She was pinned between the sofa and his body, loving the pressure of him against her. She wrapped her legs around his thighs, arched her body against him, felt the hard evidence of his cock that told her how much he wanted her. A shot of need knifed through her, moistened her, made her ache as she awoke to sensations she thought she’d never feel again.

He fanned his fingers into her hair and held her head as he kissed her with a hard passion, his tongue sliding in to capture and stroke against hers. She moaned as sensation skittered through her body, shocked at how utterly alive she felt at this moment. Tears pricked her eyes and she forced them back, not wanting to give Pax the wrong idea. She wasn’t upset, wasn’t unhappy. This was glorious, like a rebirth. Sexual desire surged through her and she welcomed it with open arms. Pax touched her with his mouth, his hands, his body, and all she could think of was what would come next—not what had come before, all those years ago.

He swept his hand down her cheek, her neck, over her breasts, lingering there to tease and taunt her nipples through the fabric of her T-shirt. He lifted just enough to watch her, his eyes focused on her as he rolled his palm over her nipples. She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and allowed herself to feel. After all these years, she was giving herself permission to feel again.

It felt so damn good she wanted to cry. But crying would only distract her—and Pax—from this moment, and she wasn’t going to let anything derail what was happening.

Pax moved to the floor. On his knees, he positioned himself between her legs and rested his hands on her thighs.

A woman could get lost in eyes like his—penetrating her, coaxing her into revealing her secrets—especially the way he zeroed in on her face, on her eyes, as if she was the only woman for him.

She knew it wasn’t true, but for this moment in time, she was his woman. She reached for his hand and rested hers there. He twined his fingers with hers and raised her hand to his mouth, kissing her fingers, taking the tips into his mouth to suck. Sensation throbbed in her pussy and she swallowed, hard, trying for calm but feeling her heart pound.

He let go out of her hand and reached under her T-shirt for her panties, slid them down her legs and off. He lifted her shirt, baring her pussy.

“Spread for me, honey,” he whispered.

She did, and he cupped his hands under her butt, then put his mouth on her sex.

Moist heat enveloped her clit as he captured it with his tongue and lips. She felt like dying right there on the spot. It was so good, so hot, she was flooded with indescribable sensation and couldn’t lie still. She lifted against his mouth and he hummed against her clit, which only served to skyrocket the pleasured agony even further.

She had been touched so rarely like this. Having AJ last night and Pax tonight was something she couldn’t have fathomed. It was hot and wicked, and all she could think was how damn lucky she was to have two men who worshipped her body, who took her to the edge of reason.

She wasn’t going to last long. And being able to watch what he did to her was so intimate, so erotic, especially when he stopped to look at her, as if asking if this was what she wanted.

Hell yes this was what she wanted.

The man stole her breath away.

This is what she’d been waiting for all these years. Nothing was going to stop the runaway train now.

Not even AJ, who stepped out from his bedroom wearing only a pair of boxers, his hair rumpled from sleep. This time, Teresa refused to be shocked or embarrassed. She wouldn’t cringe or try to move away from Pax. This was their life, and if she wanted to be part of it, she was going to have to get over either of them stumbling into whatever she was doing with the other.

AJ didn’t seem surprised at all to see Teresa naked from the waist down or Pax with his mouth on her pussy. He came around to the back of the sofa and laid his hands on her shoulders. He bent and pressed a soft kiss to her ear and stayed there.

“Feel good?” he asked.

She sucked in a breath as Pax stabbed his tongue inside her pussy. “Yes.”

AJ rubbed her shoulders, keeping his touch benign, just watching her and her reaction to what Pax was doing. She knew why.

She reached for his hands and drew them down, over her breasts, needing his touch on her as much as she needed Pax’s mouth.

“You sure about this?” he asked.

Pax stopped, looked up at her.

She looked at Pax while she spoke to AJ. “Yes. I’m sure. Touch me, AJ.”

Pax smiled and bent over her sex again, taking a long, slow lick, watching her as he did. She shuddered.

AJ kneaded her breasts, toying lazily with her nipples while Pax continued to work her sex, seemingly in no hurry to take her over the edge now. She lifted against him and he pushed her back down, licked her pussy lips, teasing her.

Teresa swallowed, her throat gone dry as she tried to hold on while Pax sucked her pussy and AJ played with her breasts. When AJ lifted her T-shirt over her head, she didn’t object, in fact she needed to feel his hands on her nipples.

AJ came around to sit beside her on the sofa and pressed a soft kiss to her lips, sliding his fingers in her hair to hold her head while he pleasured her lips and tongue with his own until she was lost in the sensation of his mouth, of Pax’s mouth, of the incredible things they did to her. When AJ broke the kiss, she looked at him and he smiled, then leaned down to fit one of her nipples into his mouth, cupping his hand around her breast to tease the bud with his tongue, licking around it, then sucking it until she gasped for breath at the dual sensations of having her nipple and her pussy sucked.

This wasn’t her. She didn’t have sex with two men. Two men had held her down and raped her five years ago.

But maybe this was her. Maybe she’d been waiting for these two men all these years to help her obliterate the pain of the past. Because she wasn’t thinking about that night anymore. And every time she’d tried to be with a man since the attack, it had come rushing back to her—the fear, the trauma, every vivid horrible detail, until she had been forced to push them away. Not the fault of those men—hers.

But not tonight, not with Pax and AJ. She couldn’t conjure up the horror of that night if she tried. All she felt was languid pleasure, the desire to experience more, to touch them, to get them naked and lick them all over. These men were so different than the men who had done terrible things to her, things that were about power and pain and not about sex.

This was about sex. Glorious, wonderful, feels-so-damn-good-please-don’t-stop sex. They were worshipping her body, not hurting it. No images of that night assaulted her. She was in this moment, with these men only.

And she knew, instinctively, that with one word they would stop.

But oh, she so didn’t want to stop.

“I want to touch you,” she said, though she had no idea which of them she said it to. And it wasn’t like she made a move to do anything about it. Pax had her pressed to the sofa with his hands on her thighs while his magical tongue continued to lap over her pussy, and AJ’s dark head was bent over her breasts. She felt boneless, drifting on a cloud of sensual bliss.

“Let’s do this for you first, Teresa,” AJ whispered against her ear. “We have all the time in the world. Relax and enjoy it.”

She sighed and fell into the pleasure.

“That’s it.” AJ shifted, moving behind her to cup her breasts in his hands. She lay against his hard chest while Pax adjusted to the shift by rising up and lifting her butt again, then licking against her thighs.

“Watch Pax eat you,” AJ said, rolling her nipples between his fingers. “We want to hear how it makes you feel.”

Electric shocks of pleasure shot from her nipples to her pussy, and she moaned, wriggling against AJ. She felt his erection against her butt, and she imagined what would happen next, anticipating it and yet loving this moment, too. How would it feel to have Pax lick her pussy while AJ was fucking her? Her stomach did somersaults at the thought.

AJ tilted her head to grasp her chin with his hand and plow her mouth with a kiss that stole her breath, sliding his tongue between her lips to wrestle with hers. She whimpered as Pax slid a finger inside her pussy. AJ deepened his kiss and skimmed the pads of his thumbs over her nipples.

Pressure built and she couldn’t hold back.

“AJ,” she whispered against his lips.


“I need to come.”

“We want you to come, honey. Relax and let go.”

Pax tucked two fingers inside her pussy and sucked on her clit, planting his hot, wet mouth over her like a suction.

“Come for us, Teresa.” AJ licked her neck, pushed her hair away from the nape and nibbled there, then bit her, sinking his teeth gently into the soft flesh of her nape.

She shuddered, the sensation sending tingles and goose bumps and the hottest pleasure she’d ever felt skittering down her spine.

“Oh, God,” she said, trembling at the delicious pain. She fell, her orgasm hitting with an intensity that would have knocked her over if she’d been upright. An explosion of sweet sensation catapulted her, making her shudder and cry out as Pax took her over the edge. AJ held her, kissing her neck and her shoulder until the spasms trickled to aftershocks that still left her shaking.

And then Pax was there, his face aligned with hers. He cupped her face and pressed his lips to hers. She threw her arms around him and kissed him back with full fervor, tasting what he’d done to her.

While she kissed Pax, AJ stroked her back and slid his fingers in her hair.

She felt worshipped.

This wasn’t at all what she’d expected. It had been so much better.

And they had only just begun.


THERE WAS GENUINE PASSION AND SOMETHING JUST SO SWEET about the way Teresa kissed him. Pax felt emotions he’d never felt before. Things that didn’t have anything to do with sex at all.

Which made him determined to keep this just about sex, and nothing more.

“So what are the rules about all this?” Teresa asked, her expression one of curiosity and just a tinge of wariness.

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