"Yeah I kind of figure that" she says watching me like a hawk. "How about you?" I change the subject. "Here born and raise" she beams with her warm smile. Sophia is very pretty she is about 5'2, her skin tone is white as snow, she has big hazel eyes with a round face shape, and has long brunette hair. There is something about her that makes me want to trust her. "Where do you live?" she ask. This girl has no chill she reminds me of Sammy. "I am staying in a hotel a few blocks away from here" I answer. I don't know why I can't shut up and ignore her questions. "That's so cool you live there with your parents?" she stares at her nails. I can tell her that I live with them but what's the point of lying. "No it's just me. I just moved here 2 days ago". I take a bite of the hot dog "Wow this is the best hot dog I have ever tried" I blurt out. "Told you," she smiles and it makes her look even more beautiful "you know this might sound crazy but I am looking for a new roommate and you seem like a good normal person. If you want you can come by and take a look at the place and tell me what you think". Normal? She called me normal. I thought I was acting like a total weirdo and here she is calling me normal. Isn't that what I wanted? To be normal. "Times up Sophia we don't pay you to stalk our client" I hear a female voice yell at her. "Hold your horses" she shouts back. "If you are interested let me know before you leave" she says before she walks away. This is crazy idea I can't move in with some one I don't know but on the other how am I suppose to met people if I don't put myself out there? Maybe I can take a look at it after all I am looking for a place. "I'll like to see the place but I don't have a cell phone number to give you" I walk up to her before leaving. She takes out a pen and writes down her number on a napkin "Here you go. Call me so we can set up a time and a day and you should really get a cellphone" she smiles. "Thank you and I will" I fold the napkin into my purse. On my way back to the hotel I stop by a few more stores and I even bought a new cellphone. No contract tho I don't want to be track. After that I went back to the hotel and as soon as I step one foot in the room reality hits me. There is no one I can talk to about my day, there is no one waiting for me to see what I bought, there is only me and the silent that fills the room. I walk over to the bed and look around the empty room. I feel tears building up in the back of my eyes I can't do this on my own I will break. I thought I could but I can't. Who am I kidding I have never been alone in my life. I always had some one either Sammy or Nina but I could always count on them. With out thinking it twice I take out my new phone and text Sophia to let her know that I want to rent the room. I don't even have to see it I just want to have some one around. If I was under any another situation I would never move in with some one I just met. She reply's my text giving me the time and the address to go tomorrow. At least that's settle. As I lay down on the bed I realize that I have to buy one for my new room actually I have to buy everything I literally have nothing. Hopefully Sophia would come with me to buy some furniture. I wonder how my father reacted to the letter he must of read it by now. He probably freaking out going crazy on every one. I hope he don't send some one looking for me. I feel bad for my poor Nina she is the one that is going to have to deal with his grumpy ass. I look down to my necklaces and give it a kiss. Nina was right every time I see this it makes me feel like she is with me. I look over to the clock and it's only 7 pm it has been a long day. I change into my pajamas, heat up some food, and watch TV. I don't even remember when I fall asleep. As soon as I woke up today I shower and packed everything back up. I go downstairs and eat some breakfast then I walk to the front desk to check out. I have to meet Sophia at 1:30 and it's 12. I take a cab which was a 45 minute drive so of course it was expensive. Maybe I should get a job as a cab driver they make good money. I look around my surrounding and take in the neighborhood it looks decent enough. There is people sitting on their stairs talking and hanging out doing normal things. This is how my life should have been. I can't help but to wonder maybe if my mom was alive everything would have been different. Maybe this would have been my life all along. "You're here" Sophia yells from the building. "I'm sorry if I am early" I make my way over to her. "Don't be silly you can never be to early or to late you're always on time" she opens the door for me to come in. "This would be us" she says on the second floor. She opens the door for me to walk in. The fist thing you see is the living room. The living room feels cozy and warm. There is a big long black L shape sofa that can fit about 7 people. There are 3 red fluffy pillows on the sofa. On each side of the sofa there is a small corner glass table with black lamps. There is a unique dark wood coffee table in the middle of the room on top of a red rug. She has a 37' flat inch TV hanging from the wall. "Wow" I whisper. "I know that's what I was aiming for" she says proudly. "That door right there is my room I show you that later" she point at a door on the left. "This is the kitchen" she motions to it. It's on the right side of the living room. The kitchen is a good decent size and it's super clean. Either Sophia is a clean freak or she doesn't cook at all. There is a medium size refrigerator in the right corner of the room, next to the fridge is the sink, right above the sink there is a small window, and on the left corner is the oven and the stove. In the middle of the kitchen there is a wood counter top. "okay follow me" she walks through a small hallway that is in between the living room and kitchen. She walks over to the door on the right "This would be your room" she opens the door. The room is pretty big it's nothing compare to my old room but I can manage. On the left corner of the room there is a small closet. There is a big window in the middle of the room. "And if you follow me I'll show you the bathroom" she says. The bathroom is the last door in the hallway. "It's not much but at least it's something" she says. The sink it's on your left side. On top of the sink there is this huge mirror that takes up half the wall and underneath the sink there are two cabinets. Next to the sink you have the toilet that has a blue foam lid cover and to the right you have your shower/tub which is just the right size for this bathroom. The shower curtain is a light blue just like the sea and in front of the shower there is a blue foam carpet. "It's perfect how much?" I ask. I really don't care how much she wants I'll take it I can get use to living here. "I pay 800 for this apartment so I was thinking we can go half/half on the apartment and bills" she says. I can defiantly pay 400 and on the side bills I have the money for it. "If you need a job I can get you one where I work" she adds. I can use a as a distraction I don't want to be home alone that's the reason I'm moving in. "Deal I'll take both of your offers" I smile. She jumps up and down "Great welcome home roomie!".

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