"Hope to see you around" Mark says as we get our luggage. "Hopefully" I wave good bye. I wouldn't mind seeing him again he really was nice to me. I walk out side and take everything in. There are so many people walking in and out never looking around them. They are to busy talking on the phone they seem in such a rush. I walk over to the first cab I see. "Where ya going?" the cab driver ask. "Do you know any nice hotel?" I answer. "We in New York baby there are hotels in ever corner" he grins like I just ask the dumbest question. "Right can you take me to one that is nice but not too expensive?" I climb in. I really don't know how much money I have and for how long I'm going to need a hotel room. "I got chu" he drives off. There is so many people walking around the street they look like ants all over the place. The buildings are so tall even if I tilt my head back I can't see the top of them. For the first time in my life I feel like a nobody and I love it! The driver drops me off in front of a small nice hotel. I got to say cab fare is ridiculous maybe I might have to call Mark about that job after all. I limp inside the hotel "Hi may I get a room?". The lady lifts her head up and gives me a smile "Sure". After I give here the information she needs and the money she hands me the key to my room. The first thing I do is jump on to the bed I'm so beat. It feels so good to finally be on a bed. Now that my body is relax the pain in my ankle is killing me. It's so swollen and red it seems like it wants to pop open. I don't think it's broken because I can still move it maybe I just sprang it. I fill the bathtub with cold water and soak my ankle inside after a few minutes I hop in the shower. My body is so stiff from sleeping on the airplane. Thanks to my ankle I am stuck in this room for today. I order some room service and watch a movie. I still can't believe I did it and actually got away. My eyes and my body start to get heavy so I turn off the lights and fall asleep. The next day I feel much better with energy and my ankle is back to it's human size. I reach for the money and start counting I have a total of $20,000 to my name. Holly crap! I can get my own place with this money. I take out some cash and hide the rest inside my luggage again. I hit the shower and change. I take my purse with my money and key and go explore my new city. New York is so full of life. There are so many stores I feel like I'm in a endless mall. I feel like a child walking in to Willy Wonkers factory. I have been in and out of stores buying cloths and everything else that grabs my eye. Half way into my shopping my stomach starts to growl. I was so excited to explore New York that I forgot to eat breakfast. I look around for a shop to eat and there is one that catches my eyes. The name of the shop is "Little Shop in The Corner". Who names their shop that? Some one with a sense of humor that's who. "Hi, how may I help you?" the girl at the register ask. I have been staring at the menu this whole time but I can't make up my mind. "What do you recommend?" I ask her. She works here so she should know what's good. "Well we do have the best hot dogs and cheese fries you'll ever taste" she winks. Hot dog and cheese fries sounds good to me. "Then that is what I shall have" I give her a smile and hand her a 20 dollar bill. "You aren't from here are you?" she ask as I wait for my food. "Is it that noticeable?" I try avoiding her stare. "Only to me because I am good at reading people and you my friend aren't a city girl" she hands me my food. I give her a shy smile and walk to an empty table. I am going to fit in? Or is this city going to eat me up and chew me back out? Did I make a mistake in coming here? Maybe I should try a different state. "My name is Sophia" I look up to see the same girl who took my order. I smile "I'm Jane". She takes the seat across from me "Where are you from Jane?". I bite down on my lip I don't want to lie but I can't tell her the truth either "Far from here".

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