"Do you know where I can buy some furniture?" I ask Sophia as we sit on the sofa. "Girl stick with me and I'll hook you up," she grabs her keys "come on let's go". I am so thankful that she has a car because honestly I have had enough with all the cabs and there fare. She drives a black 2012 Chevrolet Malibu. Nothing to fancy but it fits her just right. "So how old are you?" she ask as soon as we get into the car. "I just turn 20 last Saturday" I answer. "Well happy delayed birthday and I am 20 too" she smiles. "Really when was your birthday?" I ask excited. How crazy would it be if we had the same birthday. "Two months ago so that means I am older then you" she wiggles her eyebrows and I laugh. "So Jane do you have any brothers or sisters?" she ask. I start to play with my chain it get's me nervous to talk about me. I shake my head "No just me". Being around her feels so natural she is easy to talk to. "How about you?" I ask trying to get to know her better. "Yea I have an older brother his name is Gabriel but we all call him Gabe". I can tell she adores him by the way she smiles when talking about him. "He can be an asshole don't get me wrong you'll meet him soon enough" she adds. Growing up as an only child sucked. "I've always wanted a sibling" I admit. Yeah I had Sammy around but it's not like she was always there. "Trust me you are lucky you don't have an older brother they are annoying" she rolls here eyes but I know it's in a playful kind of way. "How about your parents?" I ask trying to keep the conversation on her. "Well my mother lives up state and my father who knows and who cares" she sounds upset "How about yours?" she quickly gather herself up. I can tell that Sophia is the type of girl that keeps things to herself. I can't tell her the truth about my dad so I'm going to have to bend the truth a little bit. "Well my mother died when I was a baby so I really have nothing to say about her," I stare out the window "and my father well he is there" I shrug. I'm afraid to look at her because I already know what she is going to say. "Sorry about your mom" she whispers. I nod my head I don't trust my voice. Every time I talk about my mom this sadness overcomes me. She parks the car "Wala we are here". I turn to her and smile. "Shall we?" she ask and I nod. I can already tell that shopping is going to be a problem for me. I have always loved to shop what girl doesn't? The only difference now is that I'm going to have to pay it with my money instead of my dads. "Let's get this party started" she says as we step inside. By the end of our little shopping spree I'm the owner of a new king size bed, a bed-set that includes bureaus, a 36'in flat screen TV, and a new stereo system. "Your total is $5,000 you can pay it in cash or you can make payments" Jake the employer says. "I'll pay it in full" I reach for my money and hand it to him. "Are you some kind of drug dealer? Sophia ask when she sees my stash. I feel me heart stop as I start to sweat. How did she know? She bust out laughing "I'm just kidding unless you really are one?" she ask again. "Of course not just my savings" I turn to Jake trying to pull myself together. "We will deliver all of this later on today please make sure some one is there to open the door for us" Jake interrupts our conversation. "We'll be there and thank you for everything" Sophia flirts with him. It seems like Sophia and Jake know each other already. Some thing inside me tells me she has a thing for him. He smiles at her and we wave goodbye. "So you and Jake?" I ask as we walk to out the shop. She flips her hair to the side "I seen him a couple of times" she answer. I know that's all I'm going to get out of her so I drop the conversation. I have to be careful how I spend the rest of the money I have another purpose for it. "About that job the sooner the better" I remind Sophia. It seems like I'm going to need that job afterwards if I'm going to keep my addiction up. "I'll talk to my boss about it," she smiles. "Hey would you like to paint your room?" she ask as we get in the car. "Can I?" I say excited. I haven't thought about it before she said something. "Of course you can dummy it's your room". She is right it is my room and I can do what I want with it. "I have some paint left over from the time I painted my room if you want it" she offers. "Sure anything but pink" I joke. "What's wrong with pink?" she turns to face me with her eyebrow raised. Oh god she is a pink kind of girl. "Nothing at all I personality don't like it but it's a great color to have your room painted" I try to amend my mistake. Damn me and my mouth. "I am just pulling your leg," she laughs "my room is purple I don't like the whole pink theme either". I let out a small breath of relief "I thought I had offended you". My heart starts to go back to her normal rate. "Girrrrrl please it will take a lot more than that to offend me matter of fact for our friendship to work you have to tell me exactly how you feel because I am sure as hell going to call you out if I don't like something" she says. I have a good feeling about our friendship she sounds just like me. "Do you want to go to Walmart to buy some paint?" she ask. "Sure" I answer. A few dollar less and more bags later we finally get back home. We only have a few hours to get my room painted before they come with my stuff. "Let's get down and dirty" Sophia walks to her room to change. When she comes out she is wearing an old shirt and overalls. She is rocking the whole I'm a woman watch me paint look. I change into a shirt and shorts, tie my hair up and we start painting. "So tell me more about your self" Sophia says as she paints one side of the room. "Well there isn't much to add from what you already know. I'm just a small town girl" I say. There isn't more I can share with her right now. "Living in a lonely word" she sang as she splat some paint on me. I laugh as the paint hits me on the face. "She took a midnight plane going anywhere" I sang back splatting paint on her. I love this song it's like the run away from your town anthem. "I thought it was a train?" she laughs. "Yeah but I took a plane instead". She throws more paint at me "You're funny". I smile "Right back at cha". When I'm around Sophia she makes me forget everything. It feels right being here with her it's like we have known each other all our life even if we don't know nothing about each other. "Let's get back to work" she plays music from the living room. We laugh, sang, dance, and of course threw more paint around. "All done" she finally says. My arms feel so heavy from all the painting. It looks easy but boy you have to put your all in it especially if you're short. I had to stand on my toes to get certain parts on the wall. I really should work on my arms. We drop to the floor exhausted. "The color blue looks nice in here maybe we should draw some stars" she says as we look around. "Maybe but not today" I'm to tired to even try. "Hungry?" Sophia ask. "Starving" I answer. "Come with me" she smiles. We walk to the kitchen "Okay so this is every place near us that deliver" she takes out a stack of menus. "When ever we don't feel like going we can just call them but I always keep food in the fridge" she opens the fridge and we start to cook. Half an hour later the door bell rings. "How do I look?" she ask as she fixes her hair. "Like you just finish painting a room" I answer. We still have paint all over us. Sophia walks over to the door and buzzes them in. "Where would you like this?" a blond guy ask. I can see how disappointment Sophia is when she saw that Jake wasn't here. She definite has a thing for him. "Over here" I walk him to the room. I hear Sophia laughing from the door way. I wonder who she is laughing with. "Jake you're to funny" I hear Sophia. I walk back to them "Hey Jake what are you doing here? I thought you was working inside the store?" I ask. Sophia is smiling so hard I think her cheeks are going to fall off. "He was but he begged the boss to come with me and now I understand why. Even with all that paint you two are one hot piece of a-".

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