They would all be okay. Damn it, they had to be.

Now that they’d gotten him to care, he didn’t want to lose them. Fate couldn’t be that cruel. Not even to him.

But to be on the safe side, he gagged the unconscious Lowry and slammed the trunk shut. Stalking into the bar through the back door, Rowdy decided that he’d find Reese’s men and send them to help with Alice. He didn’t need them now.

Handling DeeDee would be a piece of cake, and if Hickson showed up, he’d grab that bastard, too.

Unfortunately, as he stepped into the crowded barroom, he realized that Reese’s men must be good, because he didn’t see a single person who looked like a cop.

But he did see Hickson and Cheryl.

Damn it. For now he had to follow the plan or it just might cost that poor girl her life.

And then, just to complicate the night more, Avery came into view—and she was heading for Hickson’s table.

* * *

ANXIETY KEPT ALICE’S heart beating so rapidly she felt it everywhere. Palms clammy, she popped another jelly bean into her mouth. A surreptitious glance assured her that Reese was still busy talking to Logan, bringing him up to speed.

Two more jelly beans—red, her favorite—gave her the backbone she needed to approach Trace. He was on a phone, talking low, and she hated to interrupt him, but if she waited, she might lose her opportunity.

Given the few words she overheard, Alice thought it might be his wife.

She touched his arm.

As if it surprised him, Trace looked at her hand first, then up to her face. He wrapped up the call and put the phone back in his pocket. “Everything okay?”

Stupidly, Alice offered him a jelly bean.

Brows angled, Trace said, “Thanks, no.”

Regardless of what Reese thought, she didn’t know Trace that well. She knew he had incomparable skill and wasn’t afraid to do what needed to be done. He was smart, cunning and, luckily for her, very caring.

He had saved her life, so hopefully he wouldn’t mind one more imposition. “I need you to promise me something.” So that Reese wouldn’t overhear, Alice kept her voice low. “Please.”

Golden gaze probing, Trace looked beyond her, then leaned closer. “What’s on your mind?”

“I know you have your own way of doing things, but this time, you have to do everything by the letter of the law.” Wanting to make sure he understood how serious this could be, she again touched his arm. “Reese is a police detective.”

His mouth quirked. “No kidding?”

Of course Trace knew that. He probably knew everything there was to know about Reese. Without thinking about it, she grabbed more jelly beans, then had to chew fast and gulp them down so she could continue.

Trace waited with nerve-racking patience.

“What I mean is...” She licked her lips. “He’s an honorable man.”

Those angled brows lifted.

This expression was almost more intimidating than the other. The last thing she wanted to do was insult him. “That’re honorable, too, of course.”

“I have my moments.”

He absolutely could not be joking with her right now. “But Reese has a code of conduct that he believes in. He lives by that code. It’s important to him, so it’s also important to me.”

Folding his arms over his chest, Trace studied her. “You know I’m not going out there to slaughter people, right?”

She damn near dropped the bag of candy. “Yes, of course. You would never do that. You’re...well, scary-adept with lethal skill, but you’re not exactly bloodthirsty.”

His mouth twisted. “Not exactly.”

“You don’t commit random murder.” No, he only went to extremes when absolutely necessary. Alice winced, because, really, she’d done the same.

He made a small sound of exasperation—and took the bag of jelly beans away from her. “Why don’t you tell me exactly what you’re worried about?”

“It’s just...” She needed to get it said, and fast. “You can’t use deadly force—even if you really want to.” Even if maybe she really wanted him to. “It would crush me if I was the cause of Reese being drawn into...things that go against his morals. As an officer of the law, he has to answer to others. He can’t be put in the position of having to lie, not for me. Not ever.”

“I understand.”

Relief turned Alice’s knees into noodles. “You do?”

He gave her a sage nod. “I’m pretty sure Reese does, too.”

From behind her, Reese said, “I do.”

Eyes flaring, Alice spun around. “Reese.” How did a man his size go sneaking around without her noticing? “I thought you were talking to Logan.”

Vaguely, Alice was aware of Trace handing her jelly beans to Reese before walking away to give them some privacy.

“I was.” Reese smoothed back her hair. “But, Alice, always, at any given moment, I’m aware of you and what you’re doing. You might as well understand that right now.”

“Oh.” She was usually aware of him, too, but she’d been so intent on having her say with Trace. “I... Good.” For her, the awareness covered more than sexual attraction, more than mere caring.

Did Reese feel the same?

He pressed his mouth to hers in a brief but firm kiss, ending it by saying, “Trace isn’t going to kill anyone that doesn’t need killing.” His gaze stayed caught in hers. “Isn’t that so, Trace?” Copyright 2016 - 2024