“He wants to kill a few cops, too.”

“Because they’re getting in the way! But you don’t have to worry about that. You’re not a cop, right?”

“It’s that obvious, huh?”

“Yeah, man, it is. I mean, you don’t act like any pig I know. So what do you say?”

“’Fraid not.” It felt weird to say it, but Rowdy knew it was true. “They’re my friends.”

“Oh...shit. Cops? Seriously?”

Because that had once, not that long ago, been Rowdy’s reaction, as well, he only shrugged.

“Well, I didn’t know that, now, did I?”

He ignored the dramatic reasoning. “Anyone else planning to show up here tonight?”

When Lowry hesitated, Rowdy let out a sigh. “Do I need to kill Phelps here to let you know how serious I am?”

While Phelps gave panicked, muffled pleas, Lowry’s chin went up. “How do I know you won’t kill us, anyway?”

That was funny enough to make Rowdy grin. “You know, I’d like to, I really would. But those cops I mentioned? They wouldn’t like it. So you can thank them for living another day. Once I get all the info I want, I’ll stuff you both into the trunk and call the boys in blue to come collect you.”

“You’re going to have us arrested?”

Smirking, Rowdy said, “Yeah, I know. Unheard of, huh? But there you go. For today, that’s how we’re gonna roll.” He nudged Lowry’s chest. “Who else should I expect tonight?”

Lowry must’ve believed him. He didn’t look thrilled over the idea, but cops were surely preferable to death in a dark alley. “Hickson will be here with Cheryl.”

“Bullshit,” Rowdy said. “I know that’s what we were told, but no way does your boss expect Alice to make it here without getting nabbed along the way.”

“True. But on the off chance she manages to pull it off, then Hickson will be here to...greet her.”

“And if she doesn’t show up?”

Uncaring, Lowry said, “Then Hickson will kill Cheryl, dump her body and join Woody for some...interrogation of your girlfriend.”

Rowdy hit him; he couldn’t help himself. It was like a reflex. Then he hit him again just for the hell of it. Swaying drunkenly, Lowry slouched to the side, his chin on his chest, his eyes dazed. “Fucking ham-fisted bastard,” he muttered in a slur.

Standing, Rowdy opened the trunk and hauled Phelps to his feet. “Get in.” But even as he said it, he stuffed Phelps in himself, shoving him as far back in the trunk as he could.

“Now you.”

Shaking his head to clear it, Lowry used the side of the car at his back and tried to struggle up. It wasn’t easy, especially considering how hard Rowdy had slugged him. “You have me tied so f**king tight—”

Rowdy grabbed the elbow of his injured arm and hauled him to his feet, shoving him near the tailgate. “Figure it out or I’ll stun you and then dump you in.”

Lowry more or less fell into the trunk. It was a tight fit, but Rowdy got them both in there.

He ripped away another section of Lowry’s shirt to gag him. Leaning on the trunk, he asked, “How many men will be after Alice?”

“Enough.” At Rowdy’s narrow-eyed look, he corrected, “How the hell should I know? I’m here with you.”

Again, Rowdy could tell he lied. He saw it in the shifty eyes, in the tripping pulse, the faster breathing. “Know what, Lowry? I started this without patience. Push me anymore and you’re going to regret it.”

“Meaning what?”

Rowdy pressed the stun gun to his crotch. “Meaning I’ll make sure you never hassle another woman for the rest of your blighted life.”

Lowry breathed harder...and broke. “There’ll be four men. Three hired on, and...” He closed his eyes, swallowed hard.

“And?” Rowdy pressed.

“Woody’s going along.”

“The hell you say.” Why would the boss do that? Why risk getting caught? “You’re full of shit, Lowry, you know that?” Rowdy jammed the stun gun in tighter.

Lowry tried to buck away. “It’s true! He likes staying in the front lines, says it keeps him sharp. He still picks out the women himself. He gets a kick out of it.”

“That doesn’t make any damn sense.” Unless Woody Simpson was a lunatic, which...would make sense.

Feeling the weapon snug against his jewels, Lowry panted with fear. “Woody said he wants to see if he can get your lady friend to come along willingly.”

For a second there, Rowdy thought he was joking. When he realized Lowry was serious, he barked a surprised laugh. “Old Woody must be even dumber than you.”

“He’s not dumb. But he does like the game.”

The game of tattooing women and forcing them to be drug mules. Rowdy fought to hide his rage. “When are they supposed to grab her?”

“About five minutes ago.” Around his swollen mouth and split lip, Lowry managed a smug smile. “Don’t be looking for your cop buddies to back you up. Woody gave orders to kill everyone except the girl. And once they have her, they’ll be coming after you. There’s still time for you to make a deal with—”

Rowdy zapped him. As he watched Lowry flop and heard Phelps’s freaked objections, he reassured himself that Lowry was wrong. Reese was prepared. He wouldn’t be taken unawares.

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