From the other side of the room, Trace said, “Works for me.”

Alice’s eyes widened. They were like ninjas, skulking around so silently, hearing every whispered word.

Reese brushed his thumb over her jaw. “He understands that I do things by the law, and that I’ll be held accountable for everything that goes down today.”

“I do,” Trace confirmed.

Cupping her face in both hands, Reese nodded. “Okay?”

Alice let out the breath she hadn’t even realized she was holding. “Okay.” But that wasn’t quite enough, so she threw herself against him and squeezed tight.

It felt very protective, safe, the way that Reese folded his strong arms around her. Laying her cheek against his chest, hooking her hands over the unyielding steel of his biceps, Alice told herself not to worry. She would play her part to a T, and Reese would see that nothing bad happened.

Trace said, “Everyone is in place. Time to move.”

After a brief, tight hug and a kiss to the top of her head, Reese handed her back the bag of candy and went to talk quietly with Trace.

And, of course, she couldn’t hear a single thing they said.

She knew that Reese had arranged for specific officers to be with Rowdy at the bar, with others on notice nearby for backup as needed. Lieutenant Peterson remained at the station, a central contact for everyone involved. She knew that Reese had covered every possibility, so that her safety was assured.

All other particulars were kept from her.

She watched in awe as Trace slipped silently out the sliding doors, dropped over the balcony and disappeared from sight.

In the kitchen, Logan kissed Pepper so passionately that Alice felt like a voyeur. She was about to avert her gaze when Logan ended the embrace. Abruptly, he turned and strode out of the kitchen, across to the front door and straight out of the apartment. Alice was pretty sure he hadn’t even seen her as he passed.

She knew he would go to the laundry room on the ground floor and climb out through a window there. Reese would be leaving through the front door. He’d head to his car and drive out of the lot, giving the illusion that he was leaving Alice alone. And then he’d circle around and return from a different angle.

At that point, Alice would leave the dubious security of the apartment building, straight out the front doors, down the walkway and out to the parking lot.

Where men undoubtedly waited for an opportunity to grab her.

Reese would tail her, never far behind, as would Trace and Logan. They knew what they were doing. She wouldn’t be out of their sight.

Eating more jelly beans, she turned her attention to Pepper, watching as she joined Dash on the couch. Dash was so sweet, teasing Pepper, trying to reassure her so she wouldn’t worry.

Pepper was such a strong woman—the perfect woman for Logan. Their happiness glowed like an afternoon sun. Alice was glad for them, and she envied them what they’d found together.

God, how she wanted that with Reese.

Sitting near Alice’s feet, Cash whined. She wanted to reassure him but didn’t want to distract Reese, so she only stroked his head until he quieted.

Reese was in serious cop mode, focused on the task at hand.

Trace, Logan and Reese had all dressed in black. In contrast, her Capri jeans, flat-heeled sandals and rose-colored cowl-neck top looked...frivolous. Far too bright for what would happen tonight.

But she was supposed to be heading out to see Cheryl, a newfound friend now in desperate need. Please, God, let her  be okay.

Pausing before her, Reese asked, “Ready?”


He searched her face, then gently took in the half-empty bag of candy. “You can still change your mind—”

“No.” They needed to gather up all the players, and this was the best way. With the help of Reese’s officer friends, Rowdy had things covered at the bar. She had Trace, Logan and Reese watching out for her. She would be fine. She would be fine. She would be fine.


She forced her stiff lips into a smile. “I’m ready.”

He didn’t touch her, didn’t soften or relax one iota. Confident, comforting, he said, “I’m not about to let anything happen to you.”

Her heart expanded so much it hurt her chest. She swallowed back the emotion and nodded. “I know.” Reese was that type of man; he’d protect with the best of his ability and, if necessary, trade his own life in the bargain. “Will you promise me that nothing will happen to you either?”

“You have my word.” He dragged the back of his fingers over her throat—and then he was gone, striding away, out the door and out of her reach.


DASH SAID, “THREE minutes, Alice,” cuing her on the time she needed to wait before heading out.

She didn’t look at Pepper or Dash, not wanting them to see her nervousness. Around men so brave, so sure of their own ability, her cowardice seemed horribly amplified.

Abruptly, she went to the kitchen to put away the candy.

“Two minutes,” Dash told her.

Oh, God. Hands shaking, she opened the treat jar and got out two chews for Cash. “Come here, boy.”

Dragging, his head down and his tail tucked, Cash came to her.

“Oh, now, none of that.” She held his furry face and nuzzled against him. “Everything will be fine.”

But Cash didn’t look convinced, and even after she offered him the chews, he wanted only to lean on her.

That broke her heart. The dog was picking up on her mood, and that was so grossly unfair of her. He needed her to be strong. Copyright 2016 - 2024