His face grew red, but his gaze didn't falter from mine in the slightest. "I can arrange that."

I arched up an eyebrow commandingly, as I began to unbutton the front of my blouse, "See that you do."

He shook his head, "You're such a sexy queen, don't ever change."

"Your wish is my command sire."

Our honeymoon was the best two weeks of my life. I never would have believed life could be so good. How had I missed out on so much of life before now? Didn't matter, I was catching up now on lost time and experiences.

The top was down in the convertible, the sun was warm and the breeze blowing my hair out behind me was refreshing. I opened my eyes and stared at my man behind the wheel. I loved him so much.

We had just driven our way through Europe for our honeymoon. No schedule, just each other with no interruptions. I didn't even know where we were right now and I didn't really care to know.

Out of idle curiosity though I asked, "Where are we?"

He looked over and smiled, but I couldn't see his eyes behind the sunglasses.

"Italy, Tuscany to be exact."

I reached over and traced the outline of the muscles in his forearm as he gripped the wheel, "And what will we be doing here?" I asked suggestively.

"I'm taking you home." I sat up straighter in the seat a sense of nervousness hitting me.

"You've never told me that you have family?" I said frantically trying to comb my hair into some semblance of order.

He shook his head, "I have a brother, but we don't talk. All I have is you and some close friends that I work with."

I caught the sad note underlying his words and I reached out and touched his face, "I'm sorry. On the brighter side though that makes two of us alone in the world that now have each other to hold onto."

We were quiet for a while and then he glanced over at me curiously, "Were you nervous about meeting my family, if I had any?"

"Heck yeah!" I exclaimed.

"Why?" He asked out of seemingly genuine cluelessness and I just stared at him, as if he was missing it big time.

He spoke up to defend himself from my obvious look of consternation. "I can understand some nervousness I suppose over meeting new people for the first time, but in terms of being excepted, what's not to approve of about you? You're highly intelligent, successful in your own right and utterly gorgeous!"

With emphasis I stated somewhat bitterly, "I'm half black with Italian features and hair and sport a healthy dose of Jewish blood! Any of those three or a combination of them is enough to arouse prejudice in just about everyone."

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