"Now that would be illegal." He said with a wink.

"You're saying that I signed this?"

"As a matter of fact you did."

"When? I never… " I stopped. "Your yappy old friend in Barcelona! You slipped this one in with all those papers! You tricked me!"


He slid his chair back as he knelt to the floor painfully before me and took my hand. "Lisa Taranto would you please do me the honor of becoming my wife and put me out of the misery of a life spent without you by my side."

There was no joking in his eyes and what could I say but "Yes!" and kiss him.

Kissing him reminded me of everything there was between us and my nervousness went away. I helped him to his feet and then I pressed up against him and folded my hands around the back of his neck, as his big hands closed in on my waist and slipped around to grip my rear.

I was still slightly miffed about the way he'd tricked me so I decided a little more teasing was in order. "You know I'm not quite sure we're married yet!" I said cocking my head to the side looking serious.

"After all we've said no vows." I added.

He spilled out the whole marriage vow mantra in fast forward, as If he knew it by heart. "Say I do."

"I do." I said somewhat startled.

He pointed at himself figuratively, "I do too. I now pronounce us man and wife; I may now kiss my bride."

I stopped his heads decent by placing my hand over his mouth, as I looked around it at him in shock, "You're a preacher too!"

He shrugged, "Admittedly it's a bit of a gray area. Technically James Kilroy isn't, but one of my aliases is. You wouldn't believe the things people will tell a man of the cloth."

I just shook my head in wonder, "Will I ever know all there is to know about you James Kilroy?"

His eyes turned serious and he brought up one of my hands to lay over his heart. "Whatever I've been, whatever I've done and whatever I do from here on out, the very best part of me will always be yours."

I kissed him. We were both breathing heavy when we broke apart. James looked down at my neckline and said, "I think it's time that the Empress lost her clothes."

I gave him a sultry look and leaned up to whisper in his ear, "Only if you promise to punish me for stealing your tablet like you said you would."

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