He shook his head and said, "Personally speaking, I thought I'd never seen a better combination of fifty percent of Adam and fifty percent of Eve as when I first saw you. My thinking hasn't changed any since I've known you either."

I looked down and then away as I said, "I'm really grateful for that, but that's not how the world looks at me. I wish there were more people like you in the world, I really do!"

His touch on my arm had me turning my head back to him. He'd taken his sunglasses off and I could see his eyes now, which were serious in their intent, "Forget the world! I'm just grateful that someone exactly like you exists in this world just for me!"

I nodded smiling a little. It was so amazing to have an articulate and powerfully dominant man such as James so completely enamored with every facet of me. It was the best confidence booster I'd ever had in life.

"We'll be home soon."

I had forgotten about that as I had been so lost in thinking down on myself. I looked around at the countryside around me and had to admit I hadn't seen much in life more beautiful than these rolling hills.

It seemed to connect with some deep part of me and I stared with interest at the passing scenery. We exited off the main road such as it was and started down a private drive. We passed rows and rows of idealic grape arbors, pastures and orchards, I glanced over a little breathless, "Is all this yours?"

"Yes and so is that." He said pointing and I looked up ahead.

I gasped at the beautiful sprawling red tiled villa that lay before us located upon gentle rise of land. It was like a fairy tale!

Was I really going to get to live in such an amazing place? We passed through a massive rod iron gate that broke up the wall surrounding the huge villa. The architecture was warm and exquisite in every detail.

The profusion of flowers and the entire artfully landscaped setting of the villa was spectacular. The car pulled up under a pillared archway and the smell of flowers wafted into the open space of the car. I felt like I'd just won something far better than the lottery.

Half laughing I turned to James, eager to see the rest of his home that was now also my home. The laughter fell from my face as I saw the seriousness of his gaze on me.

"What's wrong James?" I asked, feeling alarm at the seriousness that I saw.

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