I slammed my foot down and the cavern's lighting shifted to more of a reddish haze. Iya blinked and looked around. He slammed his foot down too, but nothing happened.

The muzzle of the pistol drifted away and he gave a slight nod, as his characteristic wolfish smile returned, "You are the Queen, but first and foremost you are my daughter and you will help me get all the treasure!"

He turned and gestured at several of his men. "Come carry the man and be quick! I want to see the rest of my treasure!"

"You do remember Mr. Muatombo, that this is a joint venture, do you not?" Spoke up a slim man with white skin and pale blond hair.

The man had a European accent that matched the men, who had tried to kill us in Barcelona. The man had the cold eyes of a snake. There was something darker about the man then just his appearance though. Father's own snakish charm came out as he responded to the man.

"But of course Heinrich, as we agreed, half the treasure will go to your bank directly and you know that I intend to heavily invest my share with you, so relax, we are this close to the find of the ages and I will share it with you as promised."

Yeah, right, my father had never learned the virtue of sharing anything with anyone. The slim man had a short future ahead of him, if he believed my father. The best he could look forward to was a clean shot to the back of the head, if he was lucky.

The man called Heinrich smiled back at my father. The smile had a calculated false quality to it, which caused me to reconsider my assessment of him as a pushover. The man was surrounded by my father's henchmen, who as it was, were my half brothers and yet the man maintained his cool resolve. Despite being all alone Heinrich appeared very much in control of the situation.

Perhaps he wasn't such an easy mark. I wondered if my father knew that. I doubted it as he tended to only respect people that were a threat to him physically and not individuals that he could squash out with one choking hand.

Something else I wondered about was if father knew that this Swiss backed businessman, he had partnered up with, had been trying to kill Flint and I in Barcelona? Not question us about the treasure, but simply just kill us. I doubted that he'd listen even if I told him. His eyes were to full of treasure to let any sane thought through.

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