Heinrich gestured to us, "You should just kill them now and be done with it. They cannot be allowed to live to speak of what they have seen."

Iya's temper flared. He wasn't a man that could tolerate being dictated to, much less being ordered around, even if he was planning to do what was being ordered of him. He was prideful to a fault.

"She is my daughter and I will decide her fate not you! The man is my guest. It is hard to find a good chess player and he plays chess very well! Better than you I think. They live until I say otherwise!" Finished Iya, angrily thumbing his chest with a fist.

The Heinrich fellow wisely retreated nodding deferentially before moving away. Iya may have thought he won the test of wills, but everything the slim man did seemed calculated to some as yet unseen endgame.

I glanced down to see Flint's eyes open. Two of my brothers were approaching. We didn't have long to talk.

"I'm sorry I didn't protect you." He whispered up at me.

More tears came to my eyes. "Yes you did! In so many ways you have, but now it's time to let me protect you! Remember what I said about this place?"

He nodded, "Where's my case?"

I glanced up in time to see one of my brothers toss the case into the water.

Flint saw him do it too. "How deep is that water?"

I looked at him curiously, "I don't know exactly, but I'd say it's pretty deep, why?"

My brothers were getting close.

"Because in" He glanced at his watch, "Fifteen minutes you're going to have a diversion worthy event, when you'll be able to freely do whatever it is you can do to destroy this place!" His hand gripped my arm tightly, "You must destroy this place, even if it means we go up with it! So many will die if you don't!"

My hand squeezed over his on my arm and I whispered back, "I swear it on my love for you."

My brothers were beside us and one of them was Marshawn.

"Help me get him up Marshawn and then I'll take him from there."

He looked at me dubiously, but with his characteristic easy grin he complied with my wishes.

"Way to go backing the old man down like that sis! I didn't think anyone could do it."

I met his eyes boldly, "I didn't back him down. He still intends to kill us. All I did was buy us some time and if you're as smart as I think you are Marshawn, you'll do the same."

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