Ripping the vest open I gasped as I saw more blood, but then I recovered, when I realized that the bullets hadn't gone into him, but instead had just split the skin.

The leg wound was the worst. I had to get the bleeding stopped! Feeling at his leg I noticed that the bullet had gone through cleanly. I ripped part of his shirt up and made two pads and put them on each of the wounds and then taking the rest of his shirt I tied it tightly around his thigh overtop the two pads. The bleeding slowed to a stop and I turned my attention to his arm.

It was nothing more than a slight groove from where a bullet had burned by. A shadow fell across me and I knew who it was without bothering to look up. My fingers were shaking, as I wrapped his leg with additional material from my over shirt. I hated this! I hated the injuries that my man had suffered for me, but most of all I hated my father! His avarice and greed soaked ambition had done this!

Oh God please don't let him die! I wanted everything there was to do with this man. I had been so close to everything I had ever wanted and now this!

"Why do you waist your time with this man? You know I'm going to kill him."

I looked up into the eyes of my father, who even now, was bringing up a massive pistol to take aim at Flint's heart. I met his gaze with steady resolve and my voice didn't quiver as I spoke, even though it felt like my insides were shaking apart.

"If this man dies, so will you and everyone that you've brought with you! The treasure will be lost forever and you will have no golden legacy!"

The pistol swiveled from Flint's heart to my head, but I didn't drop my gaze.

"And who are you to threaten me so? I have conquered the riddle of this place and of the treasure! It is all mine! Again I say, who are you little half breed whelp of mine to threaten me so?"

I saw the finger tighten on the trigger and I knew that I was seconds away from my own death. I rose to my feet, and I stepped forward toward my father until the muzzle of the pistol was pressed into my chest.

Firmly I responded with all the cold distain that I could muster for this man, which it shamed me to admit that I shared blood with, "I am Candace! Queen of Queens and ruler over kings! This is my domain and I alone rule here! Kill me and you die. Steal the treasure without my blessing and you'll suffer worse than death. I am the Queen and I have spoken! Heed my words wisely!" Copyright 2016 - 2024