"It's not that," Prudence said. "I was thinking about home. I miss Eternity. My shop and Rebecca and Molly and even Helena. It's so far away now. What if we can't ever get back?"

"We'll make it," Wendell said. "You'll be back to your shop and we can go see Molly and Becky at the cabin."

This brought another thought to Prudence's mind. "If we get back, what about you and I?" She could already hear Helena and Phyllis making fun of Fat Prudence and Little Wendell sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.

"It doesn't matter what they think," Wendell said.

"I know, but I don't want them to come between us."

"They won't." Wendell patted her on the shoulder. "Come on, let's go back. It's almost time."

She wiped her eyes and took one last look towards the east, hoping to catch sight of Eternity. She saw only darkness on the horizon. She might find it someday, but even if she did, it wouldn't be the same. She wouldn't be the same.

They hid Mr. Pryde's truck behind the bank, next to a giant metal bin filled with trash. To get onto the roof, Prudence and Wendell removed the lobster traps and tackle boxes from the truck, piling them up behind the bank to form a wobbly set of stairs. Wendell went first, scrambling up the traps and boxes to the top of the roof. Prudence tossed one of the fishing nets up to him and then attempted to scale the stairs. She moved quickly, not lingering long enough for any of the objects to give under her weight. Wendell took her hand before she reached the top, grunting as he helped pull her up.

Prudence crawled along with Wendell to the front of the bank, where they waited with the net spread between them. Neither of them said anything as they waited, afraid someone would hear them. She's not coming, Prudence kept thinking. She's gone somewhere else. We'll never find her.

Hours went by without anyone appearing. Then a car came around the corner to park alongside of the building. Prudence scrambled to the edge, peeking over to see a girl who looked like an older version of Helena she took for Samantha and a man dressed all in black she assumed was Joseph. "They're here," Prudence whispered. Wendell motioned for her to be quiet.

Samantha and Joseph went around to the front of the building. He hung back near a box of snow while she went up to the front door. Prudence took hold of the net, ready to drop it on Samantha, but Wendell stopped her. "We have to wait until they're together," Wendell whispered into her ear. She nodded.

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