They reached Pinecrest in the late afternoon. Prudence drove past the bank to make sure Samantha and Joseph hadn't already attempted to rob it. A part of Prudence kept hoping they would find Samantha-the old Samantha-standing on the sidewalk, waving to them. She would apologize for everything and they would tearfully make up before going back to Eternity. "They wouldn't rob the place in broad daylight," Wendell said. "They'll wait until it gets dark and everyone's gone home."

"So what do we do?" Prudence asked.

"Let's go back to the bank. I think I have an idea." She parked the truck at the restaurant on the corner, not daring to try parallel parking on the street like the other cars. The scent of fried meat tickled Prudence's nose as she got out of the truck, her stomach rumbling to remind her she hadn't eaten in almost a day. No, she couldn't let her gut interfere; they had better things to do at the moment.

Wendell stood in front of the bank, his face twitching as though solving a complicated equation. Prudence couldn't help staring at him with admiration. If only she could be so smart, but she only knew how to make clothes. "I think I've got it," he said. He took her arm, leading her around the side of the building to the back. He stared up at the roof and then nodded.

She listened as he explained his plan for trapping Samantha and Joseph. If they show up, Prudence reminded herself. For all they knew, Samantha and Joseph could be hundreds of miles away in the wilderness of this strange country. She didn't say as much to Wendell, knowing he would only try to reassure her that Samantha and Joseph would be here.

They went back to the restaurant to move the truck. "We have to stay hidden," Wendell said. "If they see us before we're ready, they'll run."

Prudence didn't know where they could hide until it was time. She kept following the road, deeper into the forest until trees blocked out the sun on either side. Wendell said nothing. She wondered if he were doing more calculations. Perhaps calculating the astronomical odds of their plan succeeding.

The road started to wind upwards into the hills. Prudence gripped the steering wheel tighter along the curves, willing the truck not to crash over the guardrails. The road continued winding along until Prudence could see the hills, forests, and even the sea below. She imagined Seabrooke far to the east and beyond that, the island of Eternity.

Her eyes started to mist up until she had to pull the truck off to the side of the road. "Don't cry, Prudence. Everything will be fine. We'll find Samantha-" Copyright 2016 - 2024