'We're not interested in that.' Walter displayed a mouth of rotting teeth. 'We're here to search this place.'

He pushed past her and the sacrist followed.

'Brother.' Alice reached out a pleading hand to the monk. 'Tell me what is happening.'

'We are here at the father abbot's command, Sister.' The sacrist looked embarrassed. 'We are instructed to inquire into accusations concerning rites and rituals forbidden by the holy fathers and repugnant to …'

'Brother, I don't know what you're talking about.'

The friar came to the sacrist's aid.

'We are here to investigate complaints of sorcery, Sister. The father abbot has received grievous testimony of heretical practices within his manorial domain of Sherborne. There are accusations of a most unholy alliance between those who profess the faith of our saviour Jesus Christ and the infidels who prostrate themselves before the false god of the Saracen unbelievers.'

Alice was pleased she had delivered her more incriminating books into Harald's care. She hoped that she had not overlooked anything that should be kept beyond the reach of Abbot Bradford. She maintained her innocent posture.

'Father, it grieves me that you should talk in this manner. I am but a servant of the almshouse. I cannot, in all good faith, acquiesce to your presence here.'

'We are here at the lord abbot's command.'

'Father, I am bound to seek the counsel of my superiors. I beg leave to have a servant fetch Master Baret or another of the trustees.'

As she spoke, Walter began to open boxes. Alice went to the window. Earlier that afternoon, she had seen Robin and the Welsh boys practising archery on the abbey green. She waved to them and shouted.

'Robin. Go and fetch Master Baret …'

Before she could say more Walter's big hand fastened on her shoulder. Down on the green the boys heard her screams and began running. The sacrist saw them coming and retreated into an alcove. Walter went to the door with the beadle.

For a moment there was silence. Then the sound of heavy boots reverberated on the cobblestones. The boys pounded up the stairs and reached the door. Walter's huge bulk was unable to withstand the assault that followed. They hit him with a flying tackle and he staggered backwards, sending pots crashing. He landed amongst them and squirmed around yelling that his back was broken.

Alice pulled the boys off him.

'Don't move!'

She shouted at the groaning man.

'Keep still. Or you will cause more injury.'

The sacrist emerged from the alcove.

'Is he badly hurt, Sister?'

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