Richard Vowell listened to the sound of saws and hammers. It was early for the builders to start work and he wondered what was going on. He glanced at the vicar but he continued to recite the matins service as he had done thousands of times before. The service ended and Richard headed for the door leading into the abbey nave. Lanterns burnt at the far end. They reminded him of the time the masons came to remove the font. On that occasion, Billy Bradford and Bobby Hulle were there. This time it was the sacrist and a foreman. He strode up to them.

'What's going on?'

'Good Morrow, Master Vowell.' The sacrist did his best to sound friendly. 'We are here to erect a partition. Being cognisant of the inconvenience occasioned by the current building activities we have given thought to how a suitable screen might be provided for the comfort of the parish.'

Richard surveyed the building materials.

'What's all them hurdles for?'

'They're for the partition.'

'You mean for scaffolding?'

'No. They are for the partition.'

'Say that again.' Richard cupped a hand to his ear. 'I don't think I heard you right.'

'The hurdles will be strapped to the existing scaffolding.'

'You're joking.'

'No … it's all been agreed.'

Richard peered at the expanse of posts and crossbeams.

'What do you think we are … sodding sheep?'

'The hurdles will be covered in cloth,' Master Vowell.'

'What sort of cloth?'

'There's some over there.'

Richard walked to a pile of dirty canvas.

'That awful stuff. It's been used to cover damp mortar. It was at sea for ten years before it was chucked out.' He wagged a finger at the sacrist. 'The bishop will hear of this. Master Rochell is a churchwarden. He talks to the dean. He'll make sure Robert Neville knows what you sods are up to.'


Alice heard banging at her door and put down her pen. She was used to sudden interruptions. Accidents on the road, fights, falls on building sites. People were being injured all the time and they were brought to her for treatment. She went to the door and found the sacrist and a friar. They were accompanied by Bailiff Gallor and a beadle. Earlier in the day she had treated a man for a knife wound. She suspected he was an outlaw.

'I applied a suture and he left.'

'What you talking about, woman?'

'The man who had been in a fight. I treated his wound. It is my duty to provide care for the injured and not ask questions.' Copyright 2016 - 2025