I ran my hands through my hair, lightly tugging it, as I leaned into the door. Stop thinking about Jace. It means nothing.

The sound of Jace pacing by my door caused me to look up. I stiffened as his footsteps shortly stopped in front of my door but then quickly continued back to his room. Then they paused again before I heard the slight sound of his bedroom door shutting.

I needed to get out of here and fast.

My hands shook uncontrollably as I called for a taxi. “1533 Lighthouse Road. Fast, please.” I hung up and grabbed for my purse to wait outside. I needed something familiar. Something that I was used to.

The taxi arrived shortly after and I jumped in the back without a second thought. It was my escape.

The driver was a younger man, maybe even still a boy. He glanced back at me with big almond eyes and nodded his head. He looked a little on the rough side but surely nothing to worry about. “Where to?” he questioned.

“Umm…Taste Of Poison. Step on it," I stammered, as I looked at the boy through the rearview mirror.

His relaxed face suddenly scrunched up with a look of disgust and disbelief, making me feel uncomfortable. “Look.” He paused. “A place like that is no good for someone like you," he said stiffly. “It’s dangerous.”

My heart sped up at the memory of Jace saving my life. If it weren’t for him showing up then I could’ve been hurt badly or possibly even killed.

“Shit!” I blurted. I squeezed the strap of my purse and reached for the handle. “I’ve changed my mind," I whispered embarrassed. I slowly stepped out of the taxi and softly shut the door behind me.

I watched with my head lowered as the taxi drove away. That should've been my escape. Anywhere more familiar than here would’ve been fine at the moment.

The thought of Jace seeing me vulnerable, sitting on that bathroom sink, made me want to run away and hide. If he felt the way that my heart was racing against his chest, then he had to of thought something was wrong with me. Even I did.

When I looked up, Jace stood leaning against the porch with his arms and legs crossed. My stomach dropped. His melancholic smile made my legs tremble. He nodded his head toward the door and then walked inside leaving the door open for me.

I slapped myself on the forehead and made my way back inside, closing myself in my room. I needed to force myself to sleep. I needed an escape and in any way possible.


I quickly got ready for work, knowing that Jace liked to arrive early. After what happened last night I didn’t want to make him wait on me.

I grabbed for my apron and purse before heading back to Jace’s room. I hadn’t heard a peep from him the whole morning and it was unusual. He was always running around early in the morning, making some kind of ruckus.

I held my fist above his door, hesitating before I lightly knocked.

When there was no answer, I tried again. “Jace, are you ready to leave for work yet?”     

I waited expectantly for the door to open but it didn’t. I reached out ready to knock again but paused after hearing a noise from inside his room. It was clear that he was awake. Maybe he just didn’t hear me the first time.

"I'm not going to work," he said loudly. "You can just take my car. The keys are in the kitchen."

I opened my mouth hesitating whether or not to question him. It wasn't really my place. I quickly decided against it trying to avoid as much conversation as I could with him. After last night, I wasn’t quite sure how to act around him anyhow.

I took off down the hallway and into the kitchen. His keys were setting down on the counter on full display. I quickly swept them up and made my way outside and to his nice little car.

Truthfully, I had only driven once before and that was when Caleb was trying to give me a lesson, which went well. I was a little nervous but pretty positive, that I would be fine going the short distance, as long as I didn't manage to get pulled over.

I jumped behind the steering wheel and adjusted the seat and mirror. Then I nervously shoved the keys into the ignition and started the engine. “It’s cool, Avery. You can handle this. It’s only like ten blocks.”

I took a deep breath and pulled out of the driveway and into the empty street. Everything was going smooth until a car ran a stop sign almost cutting me off.

I slammed on the breaks and caught my breath.  “You idiot," I yelled. I slammed my hand into the steering wheel and pressed on the gas as the other car just continued to drive. I was pretty shaken up, but nothing that I couldn't handle.

When finally arriving at the diner, I walked in to find Stacy wiping down a table. She stood there in her short skirt and lacy red top as she hummed to herself.

I stepped up beside her causing her to look up with a genuine smile. “Good morning, sunshine," she gleamed. “You’re here pretty early.” She glanced at her watch. “8:30 a.m. Sweet! I could really use your help."

I followed Stacy over to the server station and shoved my purse into the cabinet. At least someone seemed happy to see me. Everyone else around me seemed to hate me at the moment. “Thank you, Stacy.”

She nodded her head and threw her black apron on. “I hope that you’re ready for a busy day," she said excitedly. “Tuesdays are a lot busier than Sundays. Sometimes we even run out of tables, so I will do my best to help you if you need it.” She looked eager as she looked around and cracked her knuckles.

I nervously nodded my head in appreciation, as I followed her eyes out into the dining area. There were eight table booths and four round tables that seated four people. I hoped that she didn't mean that all tables would be full all at once. "I’ll just do my best," I said nervously.

She nodded her head in satisfaction and threw her blond curls up into a ponytail. "I'm sure that you will do just fine. The customers loved you the other day and you kicked ass." She looked around as if something was missing. Then her gaze set on me. "Where is Jace? Is he sick?" she questioned.

I threw my apron on and shrugged my shoulders. "He didn't seem to be sick. He did have his girlfriend over last night," I replied in a cool tone. I didn't want her to see how much it was eating at me, but I couldn't seem to hide it.

She stared at me in silence before bursting out with laughter. "His what?" She threw her towel down on the front counter and rolled her eyes. "Jace doesn't date. I've known him for five years and I have never seen him in a relationship." She paused to look over at Winston as he entered the room. “Oh, hi Winston. Avery’s here early today so there will be two of us.”

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