Suddenly everything went quiet and Jace’s room was silent. I pulled away from Caleb waiting for something more to happen, but nothing.

Caleb caught me off guard reaching for my pants and slipping them off. I was too busy listening to Jace’s room to care about my pants. "What's wrong," he breathed. "Why are we stopping?"

I looked at him speechless, before the guilt finally kicked in and I panicked. I pushed my messy hair from out of my face and fought to catch my breath. "I'll be back. I need to use the bathroom," I breathed.

I pushed myself to my feet and walked down the quiet hall and to the dark bathroom. I didn't even care that I was only in my T-shirt and panties. I just needed an escape.

I ran inside, closing myself in the safety of the bathroom. I took a long look into the mirror and threw my head back in defeat. I’m acting like an animal.

I jumped back startled as the bathroom door swung open to Jace standing there in his boxers. A sight I had grown used to.

He looked me up and down, his body covered in sweat, as he fought to catch his breath. I didn't understand what he was doing.

It made my heart race. “Jace, what are you doing in here?” I took a step toward the door to escape but he grabbed a hold of my wrist stopping me in my place. My heart sped up and my breathing became heavy. "Jace."

He looked me dead in the eye and without saying a word; he picked me up and sat me on the edge of the sink. He gripped my face and roughly pressed his lips against mine, causing me to moan. His lips were soft and sweet, just as I had imagined. Although, I wouldn't admit it. Not even to myself.

The taste was too overwhelming; causing my whole body to shake as he gently ran his fingers through my hair and pressed his body in between my legs. I could feel his hands trembling as he placed them on the inside of my bare thighs while sucking my bottom lip.

Suddenly, he pulled away and we both sat there panting and fighting for breath. His eyes were unreadable as he looked me in the eye and shook his head. My body leaned forward involuntarily, and it almost felt as if I were falling off the sink. I braced myself, pulling myself upright again.

"Jace…" I breathed.

He slowly backed away from me and placed his head in his hands. "Shit! I'm sorry, Avery," he said softly. "I don't know what came over me." He turned around and left me sitting on the sink, half-naked and confused.

I leaned back against the mirror and fought to catch my breath. I had so many thoughts running through my head, that I felt as if I could faint. He kissed me, and for one quick moment, all of my pain was numbed.

I placed my hand to my lips, softly tracing them, as I squeezed my eyes shut. “Shit.”

Chapter 6

I sat against the sink with my legs shaking uncontrollably. I couldn't seem to breathe, no matter how hard I tried.

I gripped the sink tighter, if that was even possible and leaned into the mirror. My skin felt as if it was on fire and I still felt dizzy. I needed a few minutes to catch my breath and wrap my head around what had just happened.

I blew out a deep breath and slowly placed my feet back on the ground being sure not to fall on my face. It took a lot of effort, but I managed to do it. I needed to get rid of Caleb and fast. I needed to be alone, and now.

I crept down the empty hallway, peeking over at Jace’s closed door, before stepping back into my room. Caleb sat there pant less and looking eager with his back pressed against the wall. He looked nervous as he watched my every move. It made me nervous. “What’s wrong?

I quickly bent over in a panic reaching for my jeans. “I’m sorry Caleb,” I breathed. “It’s best if you just leave. I’m suddenly not feeling very well."

I struggled with getting my jeans on, falling over like an idiot in the process. I didn’t care though. Caleb’s eyes were burning into every inch of my body and I couldn’t stand to be so naked around him. I wasn't sure why I hadn't noticed until now.

Caleb shook his head, slammed his hands down into the bed, and pushed himself to his feet. He silently grabbed for his jeans and let out an exasperated breath. “I really wish that I knew what you wanted.” His eyes followed me as I continued to struggle with my jeans. He looked as if he wanted to help but second-guessed himself, stepping away. “I try and try and nothing is ever good enough for you.”

I felt horrible for putting him through everything that I had and he was right. He tried so hard and I did nothing in return. I was a horrible person. I couldn’t change how I felt.

“I’m sorry Caleb. It’s not you," I whispered. I buttoned my jeans and buried my face in my hands full of shame. “I’m sorry.”

I could tell by the look in Caleb’s eyes that he hated me. I hurt him repeatedly. It was never ending.

He grabbed for his keys and tilted his head back staring at the ceiling. “Let me guess. It’s you, right?” He strode toward the door with hate and rested his palm against it. “Don’t even answer that.” He paused to swallow. “Have a good life.”

I stiffly pushed myself to my feet and watched helplessly as he exited the room. He didn’t even bother to look back. “I’m sorry,” I yelled. “You will never understand. I can’t be anything more than this."

I slammed the door shut behind me falling against the door. Tears threatened to form as I rubbed circles on the side of my head in an attempt to calm myself down and gain control.

Instantly following Caleb’s exit, I heard footsteps down the hall followed by the vague sounds of Emma and Jace’s conversation. I quietly leaned in closer to get a better sound. As stupid as I felt, I still couldn't help myself.

“Jace, I’m sorry that you’re sick. Are you sure that I can’t do anything…to make you feel better," Emma asked desperately. “I bet I can make you feel-“

“I’m sure Emma," Jace cut in. “It’s time for you to leave. You pushed me into bringing you here in the first place.” He sounded almost upset as he spoke. “I told you long ago that I was done with this crap. Now please leave.”

It was silent for a moment before what I pictured to be the sound of Emma stomping her way out the front door. The door slammed loudly, followed by the faint sound of Jace's fist pounding into a nearby wall. It startled me, causing me to jump away from the door.

My whole body relaxed at the idea of Emma being gone. I wasn’t exactly sure why but I hated her at the moment. Just the thought of her alone with Jace made my stomach knot up. The feeling both confused me and greatly frustrated me. Copyright 2016 - 2024