She knew Gideon wanted to rebel against Daegan"s orders because of how much he wanted to obey. So she drew his attention by lying back again, her breasts tilted up to his hungry gaze.

“Thrust into my pussy, Gideon. I want to feel you rub all along inside me.” He wet his lips, bracing his arms awkwardly, but then he withdrew a couple inches, slow, slower, watching her lips part and eyes darken with desire. As he did, he impaled himself on Daegan"s cock, deeper, deeper. She could tell from the flex of Gideon"s jaw. Then he was coming back to her, his face suffused with reaction to the two sensations. “Beautiful.” Daegan murmured, voice unsteady as well. “Keep doing it until she comes.” The drag of Gideon"s cock inside her was like fire. Normally she could hold out quite a while, but with the vampire transition, that hungry blood wanted only instant gratification, despite her training. She still managed to hold out long enough that Gideon was sweating anew, his eyes glazed, lips parted with his internal focus to hold back, his cock hard as steel.

The ripple of the climax started low in her belly, telling her it was going to be a powerful one.

I want to see him come, Daegan. While I’m coming.

Then we go together.

Looking up, she could tell Daegan was indeed far beyond ready. At a nod, she let herself start over that tremulous edge, the gasping of her breath giving Gideon warning at the same time.

“Let go, Gideon. We both have you.”

Because it was Daegan giving the order, he tried to hold out, but when the two of them climaxed simultaneously, there was nothing he could do. Gideon released, hard and hot, a hoarse cry close to a scream breaking from his lips at the dual stimulation. The power of that release, withheld so long, made his fingers dig into the floor, body bucking between Daegan"s cock and her pussy, flesh and toned bodies meeting and withdrawing in a frenetic, hot and moist dance.

Curling her fingers in his hair, Anwyn bit down on his shoulder, drawing blood during that intense moment. Hot, sweet blood swirled into her mouth. At the same time she slid her arm, the one that Daegan had punctured, down Gideon"s shoulder. Seeing the wound the male vampire had left, Gideon tried to lick it with erratic, frenetic care during the final spurts of his climax, soothing any perceived hurt. An involuntary reaction of course, but one that fired the two vampires further so Anwyn knew they easily could share him again and again. And why not? He did belong to her, this difficult, troubled man. Her eyes met Daegan"s heavy-lidded, sexy ones.

Maybe to them both, no matter what the marks said.

As she lay flat on the floor, still gasping, but her body vibrating with delicious, spiraling energy at once, she looped her arms around them both, holding Gideon"s neck and clasping Daegan"s braced arm. “I want to lie in bed with you two,” she said. “In Daegan"s bed.” Though Gideon stiffened, she didn"t withdraw the request. Daegan"s bed was larger, better suited for the three of them. Plus, it was closer, and close was good. Daegan"s expression needed no translation. Withdrawing, pushing off of Gideon"s back, he rose and disappeared into the bathroom. She continued to lie on the floor, stroking Gideon. He kept his head on her chest, his arms leaden weights on either side of her.

“Okay?” she whispered, tugging on his hair.

“Not thinking right now.”

She pressed a kiss to his brow. It surprised her when he tilted his head and met her mouth, teasing it with his tongue. At length, he pulled himself up so that he braced his weight on his elbows on either side of her head, his knees planted on the floor between her legs. He was still inside her, semisolid, inspiring her to squeeze him with her internal muscles, a slow milking that kept his gaze opaque, feral. Running her hands down his back, she cupped his ass, massaged the oil there, enjoying the slide over slick, heavy muscle.

“You could fuck me to death.”

“I easily could. But then, I could have done that before I became a vampire.” Managing a wicked smile, she traced his mouth with her fingers, tightened her legs over his thighs. Her bare feet brushed the sensitive area behind his knees. She smelled the musky odor of semen, both that trickling from her, and what Daegan had left behind when he pulled out. “Hurting?” Gideon shrugged, but she saw it in his head. Though she knew the tissues were amazingly resilient and wouldn"t even throb a half hour from now, right now they burned like acid. He had resisted enough to exacerbate the abrasion, so she knew he needed what Daegan was returning with now.

Gideon glanced toward him and blanched. “No way. I"m getting up.”

“In a minute.” Daegan squatted next to him, laid a restraining palm on his buttock. “Be still.”

“What . . . Argh.” Gideon tried to twist, but was unsuccessful as Daegan withdrew the large syringe, now empty. He"d positioned a basin beneath him to catch any excess fluid. “What the hell?”

“It"s an herbal wash,” she explained. “It makes it hurt less, almost immediately.” From the reluctant relief on Gideon"s expression, she could tell it did. “Stop sticking things in my ass,” he snapped halfheartedly. Daegan bent down, scored his ass cheek with a fang, earning an attempted kick. “Son of a—”

“You would do better to stop giving orders, servant. All it does is annoy me. And you"ve just seen what I do when annoyed.”

“I"m her servant, not yours.” Gideon gave him a withering glare. “It"s way past time for you to grow up and get your own.”

“Nope.” Daegan rocked up to his heels and gave him an arch look. “They"re too much work.

A tremendous pain in the ass.” He punctuated that with a slap on Gideon"s that echoed in the chamber, caused another snarl. It left a delectable handprint on the cheek, one that lingered, despite the third-mark capacity for healing.

She knew Gideon was already worried he"d be in the center of the bed, but Anwyn was ready to give him a break and take that pleasurable position. She brought Gideon in behind her on the left side after he returned from her shower. Once Daegan had done his own cleaning, he slid in on the right. She"d seen in Gideon"s mind the possibility of finding some underwear or any other type of clothing, but she made it clear she wanted them all to stay naked, so she could press every available inch of her soft skin up against their handsome, rougher flesh. Once he settled in, Gideon toyed with her hair, then brought his hand to rest on her thigh, brushing his knuckles along her hip. She didn"t object.

If he belonged to both of us, she mused, we could chain him here between us during the daylight hours. We might fondle and drink from him at will, leaving him hard and suffering until nightfall. By then he would be mad with lust, willing to do anything to please us.

A tempting vision, cher , but he is your servant. His unwilling desire for me has no connection with a desire to become mine. As he himself said, his physical reaction to me does not mean anything. He is more servant than submissive, even to you.

She knew Daegan had felt a little differently in the heat of the moment, his own subconscious desires rising as strong and undeniable as his cock, but she didn"t press it. It was hard to believe everything that had happened, the way the bonds between them had tightened in a mere handful of days.

Daegan had cocooned their thoughts, kept them from the male behind them, but it didn"t really matter. A light touch told her that Gideon"s mind was still in shock, reeling from his virgin encounter, being fucked for the first time by a man. She could sense a war developing, a conflict between shame and rage, something that would become ugly if she didn"t defuse it.

Too many things had been taken from Gideon; anything that suggested that same loss of control, the consequences it could bring, would dredge up ugly memories and feelings.

“More questions,” she decided, ignoring their amusingly similar groans. “Fun ones, not instructive Council stuff.” Shifting onto her back, she compelled the other two to do the same.

Both men bent their knees, feet flat on the mattress, so she could put one foot on top of each of theirs, playing with their toes. “It"s your turn, Daegan. Who was your first sex?”

“Or what,” Gideon muttered.

The vampire snorted, turned his head to gaze at them both. “I"m sure I don"t remember.”

“You"re lying. You can"t lie for Twenty Questions. It"s a rule. You"ll burst into flame if you break it, swear to God.”

“Oh, well, as long as your honesty isn"t in question.” Smiling at her solemn assertion, Daegan turned on his side, his gaze passing briefly over Gideon. He was staring at the ceiling hard enough to bore holes. “Like most born male vampires, it was my wet nurse, so to speak.

Neela. She was second-marked, and with me into my teens. When the first tide of lust hit with the blood, I was suckling Neela"s neck. Pretty straightforward.”

“All right, then, I amend the question. Who was the first sex you chose for yourself ?”

“I"m not sure this game allows do-overs, if the question is worded incorrectly.” Nevertheless, he turned his eyes upward, considered. “A noble"s daughter named Jenna. She"d been thrown from a horse on a hunt. I helped tend her ankle, carried her to a hunting lodge.

Unfortunately, it was close to feeding time, and she smelled so good . . .” He snuffled at Anwyn"s throat like an animal, and she shoved at him, laughing. “I couldn"t resist. Jenna had performed this stunt several times to get boys to take her off to this very same lodge, after all.

With such unabashed sexuality, she should have been turned to a vampire.”

“Did you?” This from Gideon, in a wooden voice.

“No.” Daegan glanced his way. “Of course not. She eventually married very well to an older nobleman who traveled a great deal, and had a passel of children she adored. Probably with a variety of fathers. I think you would have liked her,” he said to Anwyn. “Despite being a very repressive period for women, she lived life to the fullest. I regretted that as she aged I couldn"t maintain our acquaintance. She didn"t know I was a vampire.” Copyright 2016 - 2024