And then his lips are claiming mine, hot and sweet, as his body shifts to cover me again. I fall into his embrace, lost in the dazzling heat of his mouth, his hands, the thick nudge of him between my thighs. My blood races with life, with need, and it feels more natural than anything in the world to spread my legs wider and cradle him closer to me.

I want this. I need this.

Blake braces himself above me, and then his tongue is sliding deep in my mouth, and oh, I feel him, pushing inside. He holds back, trying to go slow, but the spark is an inferno now, raging deep, and I lock my legs around him, urging him deeper.

Blake groans against my mouth, and thrusts harder.


The discomfort fades, replaced with the glorious friction of him, surging deep inside me. I rock up, finding his rhythm, matching him stroke for stroke. It feels incredible, as if nothing in the world is between us anymore. “Blake,” I gasp, overwhelmed. “Oh God,”

He answers me with another thrust. Harder. Deeper.

I whimper, feeling the sparks of pleasure, the friction rolling deep within. His body, the weight, the slide of our damp, sweaty skin. I can feel him, taste him; invaded, but consuming him; possessed, but taking everything he has.

I could lose myself in him forever.

“Zoey…” Blake gently turns my face up to look at him, holding me captive in the fire of his blue eyes. “Oh God, Zoey, you feel incredible.”

He strokes into me slowly, and God, I lose my mind. I grip his shoulders tightly, grinding up to take him deeper, thrusting on the edge of oblivion. Blake growls against me, and then something in him is unleashed. He surges inside me, pinning me down, rocking me closer with every thick, magnificent thrust. I can’t take anymore, the sensation is too much, too good. So good. I writhe against him, clenching from the inside, and then he reaches between us, stroking right there against my clit as his cock plunges deep inside me and fuck, it’s too much, the sweet pressure and thick friction slamming through me as I shatter apart with a scream.

Blake roars, grinding up inside me one last time before I feel his body break, shuddering into me as the pleasure takes us over and we fall, dizzy into the bliss. I hold him tight, and I never want to let him go.



There’s no hiding this time.

No pulling back. No turning away.

This time, I give her everything.

I couldn’t pretend to keep my distance, even if I tried. Zoey pulls me under, until there’s nothing but the two of us, moving as one.

And I know nothing will be the same again.



I surface from a dream, feeling deliciously tired. The windows are fogged, but I’m toasty warm, wrapped up in my duvet—

And Blake.

My heart skips. A tiny corner of my mind was worried I’d wake to find him gone like last time. Out of reach emotionally, even if he was right here in the room. But now, Blake yawns against me and slides his hands around from behind, tugging me back to nestle against him.

“Good morning,” he murmurs, his stubble scratching at my ear.

I wriggle happily, loving the feel of his body cocooning me. “Yes, it is.”

Blake kisses my neck, sending shivers through me. “I wish we could spend all day in bed.” His hands trace light circles on my stomach through my T-shirt. “I could call Dash, tell him I’ve got the flu…”

“No way!” I roll to face him, cradling his cheek in my palm. “There will be fifty people waiting on set for you. And anyway, the scene today is my favorite. The one where you make that big speech to her, to win her back? It’s so romantic.”

Blake grins. “You’re such a movie geek,” he laughs, kissing the tip of my nose. “Nobody else would kick me out of bed just to finish filming.”

“I know, I’m special.” I giggle.

His smile turns sincere. “Yes, you are.”

Blake’s lips meet mine, in a kiss so sweet I swear I melt right into him. We stay there, kissing, wrapped up in each other’s arms, warm beneath the covers, until suddenly, the alarm on my phone buzzes loudly.

I groan.

“You could have caught the flu too,” Blake murmurs temptingly, his hands sliding higher to cup my breast. “It’s very contagious…”

I waver, loving the feel of him, and this private world of our own. What happens on set today? Will he still want to keep us a secret, and hide what’s happened between us again?

As if reading my mind, Blake pauses. “You’re right,” he says, dropping a chaste kiss on my lips. “We should get going. I owe you breakfast, remember? How about we stop by the diner on the way to the set?”

“Sounds good,” I smile, relieved. I finally tear myself out of his arms and scramble out of bed. It’s cold, so I hurry to grab underwear and clothes for the day ahead.

“Take your time, baby,” Blake’s voice comes, and when I turn, he’s lounging with his arms behind his head, an admiring grin on his face. “I’ll just be right here enjoying the view.”

I laugh, tossing my T-shirt at him. I could say the same: he looks like a golden god against the white linens, gorgeous enough to tempt me back into bed.


I pull on a bra and sweater, and wriggle into my jeans. “Come on,” I tell him. “I’m hungry. Someone helped me work up an appetite…”

Blake laughs and gets out of bed. “Get used to it, baby.” He yanks me against him, his hot stare enough to melt me from the inside out. He leans in, slowly sliding his hands over my waist as his lips whisper up my throat. “You’re going to need your strength. Because I’ve got plans for you yet.” Copyright 2016 - 2024