I smooth my hands over his chest, leaning in to drop kisses over the chilled skin. Blake runs his hands through my wet hair, smoothing it down and lifting my head back to claim my lips again.

These kisses are deeper than anything I’ve known in my life before, charged with some new electricity, a vivid shimmering force that pulls the two of us together and takes my breath away. Slowly, the heat rises between us, water pouring over our bodies, the cold and distance and false starts melting away under the heat of this embrace.

I could kiss him forever, lose myself in this connection. Everything stripped away, nothing left between us.

No place to hide.

His hands slide lower, roaming slowly across my naked body. His fingertips explore my breasts, teasing my nipples into two aching peaks. I gasp, sinking into his touch as he bends his head and kisses my wet flesh, circling and lapping at the tight buds until the pleasure is almost too much to take.

Blake presses me back against the shower tiles and captures my mouth again. He kisses me hungrily as I run my hands across every bronzed inch of him, every muscle and ridge, every defined, solid plane.

I want all of him. Everything.

My hands close around his hard length and he groans, a deep desperate sound that sends a fresh wave of heat spiraling through my body and aching low between my thighs. As if sensing my need, Blake’s hand slides down my body, lower, lower…


My mouth falls open in a silent gasp as his fingertips deftly stroke my tender clit. God, it feels so good. I answer with pressure, stroking him harder. Blake inhales a ragged breath. His eyes are locked on mine, dark with lust, holding me captive in his commanding gaze as he rubs deeper, sending pleasure slamming through my body. My legs go weak, but he holds me, pinned against the wall, sliding up inside me and curling his fingers just right.

Oh! My cry is lost against his hot mouth. He kisses me in a wicked rhythm, sliding his tongue deep between my lips as his fingers pulse inside. The hot water beats against our skin, and I lose track of everything except the slide of wet skin and hot hands and tension, the rasp of his breath and the glittering pressure building inside. Blake lets out a strangled curse, and then he pulls my hand away from him, pinning my wrist against the tile as he surges his fingers deeper inside me and curls them high, just right—

I shatter with a cry, clinging to his wet body as the hot water pulses over us, chasing my climax through my body until I surface, feeling new and raw and reborn.

Blake shuts off the water and carries me out of the shower. He sets me against the counter and towels me dry, reverently, every inch of my body smoothed under the soft fabric; every touch bringing my senses screaming back to life, so that when he finally lifts me in his arms and carries me through to the bedroom, the feel of his body pressed against me makes me weak, head spinning with fevered desire.

Blake lays me gently on the bed. His body is poised above me, bronzed and magnificent. I catch my breath, struck with the enormity of what’s about to happen.

Once we cross this line, there’s no going back.

“OK?” he whispers, reaching to gently cup my cheek. His eyes are full of tenderness—edged with a smoldering lust that sparks my own heated blood.

I answer him with a kiss, locking my arms around his neck and pulling him down to me, covering me, loving the weight of him, overwhelming and yet safe. He kisses me deeply, hungrily, his mouth moving over mine in a sensuous dance that seems to touch my very soul.

And that’s when I realize we’ve already crossed the line. I may not have given my body to him yet, but I gave him my heart a long time ago. And seeing him standing in the doorway tonight, drenched and desperate, trying so hard to be the good man I know he is, it only confirmed everything I already knew.

He’s mine, just as I belong to him.

My last nerves melt away, leaving nothing but the flare of need, echoing in every part of me. I slide my hands down over his naked back, reveling in his perfection, as Blake dips his head to kiss along the hollow of my neck and graze his mouth hotly over my breasts.

I moan, writhing under his touch. I can’t believe it, but I’m rising again, every touch and slide of his body against mine making the heat twist tighter, deep inside me. I lift his head away from me, gasping for air. “Do you have…?” I whisper.

His eyes flash with recognition. He nods, briefly leaving me to grab his wallet from his damp jeans on the floor. Then he’s back, lying beside me, running his hands and eyes over my body in a way that makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.

Blake leans in to kiss me again, but I pull back, flushing. “I’ve never…” I stop, feeling a rush of embarrassment about my inexperience, but Blake only looks at me, a slow, heart-stopping grin spreading over his face.

“You waited?” he asks.

I nod, still feeling a little foolish. “For you,” I whisper. “I could have… I mean, there were guys, in Paris, but…” I bite my lip, remembering the times I came close, only to make my excuses and pull back from the edge. “I never wanted anyone the way I want you,” I confess, gazing into his eyes. “It’s always been you, Blake.”

He props himself on one arm beside me, gently taking my hand and pressing a kiss to my palm. He holds my hand against his heart, so I can feel the thunder of his racing pulse. “I don’t know what I did to be so lucky,” he murmurs, his eyes full of emotion. “What it is you see in me.”

“You,” I tell him softly. “I see you.”

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