Yon buggers were obviously unprepared for direct confrontation in the form of three burly rugby-players and two no less imposing figures.

And they were completely undone when they noticed, too late, the rest of the rugby team standing in a line behind the car.

Something, perhaps a lifted glance by one of Billy’s friends, caused David to turn around and spot the four men in front of the school, two to either side, approaching the girls. Richard, ever vigilant, noticed David’s reaction and acted as though the moment were rehearsed.

‘Carl! Andy! Take the two on the right! Davie, you and me’ll do those buggers on the left! The rest of you take these guys down and check ‘em for weapons. You, Mike! Get the coppers!

‘GO! GO! GO!’

The four thugs in front of the school were almost on top of their prey when they realised that something was amiss- and turned to see four young men bearing down on them like enraged gods. The first three made the mistake of trying to run and were flattened- no sportsmanlike rugby tackle this but a bone-jarring hit calculated to incapacitate, giving each young athlete time to check his quivering, retching thug for weapons.

David was not so lucky. His quarry stood his ground and pulled out a switchblade, grabbed Monica brutally by the hair and pressed the blade against her throat.

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