Monica did so amid dead silence.

‘Now, then,’ Mrs. Whitely said with slow relish, ‘about your assignments . . .’

This, of course, was met with the anticipated chorus of groans.

As David and Monica left the school together they were met at the front entrance by Richard and Lynn, and three husky lads from the rugby team.

‘Like I told you,’ Richard told David, inclining his head towards the drive. ‘Trouble.’ There, leaning insolently against the side of a battered wreck of a car and smoking cigarettes were the three that were known as Huey, Duey and Louie: Billy, Ronnie and Frank. With them were four others, surly-looking types wearing leather jackets.

‘C’mon, mates,’ Richard said. ‘Let’s have a little chat with these lads. Ladies, stay here and mind Monica, will you? Yon louts are up to some mischief. I don’t mind dealing with them head on. It’s what might happen when our backs are turned that has me worried. And,’ he added, ‘you keep your eyes open! You see anything that looks like a weapon, you start screaming bloody murder!

‘Now,’ he said, addressing his mates, ‘let’s go see what yon buggers are up to.’ Copyright 2016 - 2024