“Dex?” Lily pauses, frowning. “Huh. You never told me his name before.”

“Dex Callahan,” I reply.

Lily’s mouth drops open. She gapes in disbelief. “Him?”

“Him.” I nod, throwing the last of my things in the carton. I grab my purse, already reaching for my phone to call a cab. “Can you take care of this stuff? I have to go. Right now.”

“But…where are you going?” Lily looks totally confused, but for the first time in weeks, I have perfect clarity.

I won’t let life pass me by. I don’t want to live with my regrets this time, not when there’s still a chance to make this right.

“I’m going to Vegas.”



The screams hit us the minute we step out of the cab.

“Dex! Ohmygod, DEX!”

“Austin, Austin, I love you!!”

“Over here, please!”

There are cameras flashing everywhere, a fucking mess of fans and paparazzi all pushing at the hotel security guards, desperate to grab us as we pass.

“Shit,” Austin curses, struggling to pull free from a couple of teenage girls. “I thought we registered at the hotel under fake names.”

“Someone must have leaked it.” I grit my teeth and plough through the crowd, holding tight to my guitar case. It’s crazy out here, total chaos, blinding behind my shades, but finally we fight our way inside the hotel.

“I’ll get you guys sorted,” our manager Eddy comes to meet us, waving bellhops over to grab our bags. “Here are your key cards,” he says, handing out the envelopes. “I had them supply extra in case you feel like inviting some friends,” he winks.

Austin chuckles, but I just scowl. “Keep the fucking keys,” I growl, emptying the spares to the floor. I stride away, heading for the elevator, and hitting the button for my floor with enough force to send the elderly couple beside me quickly exiting in search of another ride up.

“Easy there.” Austin steps in just before the doors close. “Someone got out of the wrong side of bed this morning. Or was it the wrong bed?” he asks with a knowing look.

“The only thing I’m sharing my bed with these days is a bottle of Jack.” I slump back against the wall as the elevator swoops higher. Ever since Alicia, I haven’t looked twice at another woman. What’s the point?

“Hey, I was just kidding around.” Austin frowns, clearly concerned. “You holding up OK?”

“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” I sigh. “I just need to get this tour started. Once we’re on the road, I’ll be better. More distractions, you know?”

Austin nods. “Still, any time you need to talk, I’m here. Just maybe knock first,” he adds with a wink.

I laugh, stepping off on our floor. “One day you’re going to fall for some girl like a ton of bricks,” I warn him, heading for my room. “And when that day comes, I’ll be right here, laughing my fucking ass off.”

“Well, until that happens, I’ll just have to keep busy,” Austin grins. “And there were a couple of girls in the lobby I bet could help me out with that…”

I throw my water bottle at him, and he ducks just in time.

“Fuck you!” Austin calls, as I let myself into the room.

The lights are already on, and there’s a half-dressed woman draped across the bed.

“Hey baby,” she coos, waving. “I’ve been waiting for you.”


My heart falls. It’s Jamie Keller, an actress the guys know from around the Hollywood scene—and the last woman I want sprawled half-naked in my hotel suite. We ran into her at a restaurant back in LA, and suddenly, she figures I’m the man of her dreams. I’m not arrogant enough to think it’s anything to do with me. She’s the kind of girl who likes the front page, and she knows that with me, it’s headlines for sure.

“How did you get in?” I demand, too tired to be dealing with this crap. We’ve been traveling all day, I just want to collapse and chill out.

“I have my ways,” she winks, leaning over so I can get an eyeful down her bra. She looks like she just stepped off a magazine shoot, all blonde hair and black lace curves, but I don’t feel a thing looking at her, just numb.

“You need to get out of here.” I try to stay polite. “I’m sorry, but I’m not interested.”

“You haven’t even gotten to know me yet,” Jamie coos, licking her lips. “We’ll have some fun, I promise.”

I snap. There’s only one woman I want to see right now, and she’s a thousand miles away.

Because you fucked it up. You walked away.

“You look stressed,” Jamie adds, getting up. “Let’s get you nice and relaxed.” She reaches for my shoulders, trying to massage me.

“I told you, just leave me alone!” I grab her arm hustle her towards the door. “Nothing’s going to happen, so quit pulling these stunts! There are a dozen celebrities in town right now,” I add, scooping her dress from where she’s left it on the floor. “Go chase after one of them.”

I shove her dress and shoes into her arms, and slam the door in her face.


I take a deep breath, leaning to rest my head against the door. Dammit. I shouldn’t have snapped, but I couldn’t help it. A hundred girls lined up to spend the night with me, and I can only think about one.

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