“Dex Callahan, pleasure to meet you guys.” Dex rises to shake his hand, then pauses, looking at Brit with a flash of recognition. “Wait, didn’t I meet you back in the city?”

“You played my brother’s restaurant,” Brit smiles. “We nearly had to call the fire department, people went so crazy.”

Dex laughs. “Hey, I’m sorry. My fans can get kind of rowdy.”

“Don’t be.” Brit gives a mischievous smile. “The numbers were through the roof. I told people it’s your number one hang-out, and now Emerson is booked up solid with people hoping to catch a glimpse.”

“Glad to be of service,” Dex grins. “I didn’t get to taste the food last time. We’ll have to stop by and check it out, right Alicia?” He has one arm draped around my shoulder, and looks at me with a smile.

“Right,” I echo, my head spinning. I can feel Hunter’s curious gaze on me, looking from me to Dex and back again.

I shouldn’t feel so thrown, but I do. This isn’t supposed to be happening. Two worlds are colliding right in front of me, and I can’t think straight.

“I’m glad we ran into you,” Brit says brightly. She’s wearing one of her own designs, I can tell: a bright poppy-print dress with a swirling skirt. It clashes with the pink streak in her choppy dark hair, but of course, she pulls it off. “We’re having a BBQ this afternoon at the ranch. We wanted to see if you could make it.”

“I don’t know…” I try and think up an excuse. “We might have plans.”

“You have to come,” Hunter insists. “Trust me, you don’t want to miss this.”

“It wouldn’t be the same without you,” Brit adds, giving Hunter a private smile. “Everyone will be there. Juliet and Emerson are coming down, even Lacey and Daniel are coming in from New York.”

I can’t find a reason why not. “Sure, I guess.” I finally agree. Hunter’s face lights up.

“Awesome, come by around four. I’ll text the address.”

“Did you guys want to join us?” Dex offers. “We’ve got plenty of room.”

“Thanks, but we’re not staying,” Hunter replies. “Just here to pick up some pies for later. But we’ll see you there?”

I nod, still barely able to speak.

“Bye.” Brit and Hunter head over to the counter to collect an armful of pie boxes, and then they head out, waving as they go.

I catch my breath, still feeling weirdly off balance. Dex doesn’t seem to notice though, he pulls my plate over and finishes my food.

“They seem nice,” he says, mouth full. “Do you not want to go to this BBQ thing?”

“Maybe,” I shrug, trying to pretend nothing’s wrong. “I just didn’t know if we’d be busy. You know, with other things…”

Dex chuckles. “It could be fun. I’d like to meet your friends.”

I don’t reply, gulping down my coffee instead. I can’t think of a good reason not to show up—especially now that Hunter and Brit have invited me in person.

How can I say, ‘No thanks, I’ve been hopelessly in love with that man for years now?’

I remember the way Dex acted so jealous at the bar with Garrett the other night. It was cute then, but it would be different now if he knew for sure Hunter was the man I’d been pining over all this time. I don’t want him to know, it seems so foolish, and the last thing I want to do is ruin this relaxed vibe between us.

“Sure,” I murmur at last. “We can stop by for a little while.”

I spend the rest of the day with my stomach tied up in knots. We head back to the house and laze around by the pool in the sunshine. Dex has some calls to make, more business issues to figure out with his management, so I lie out, trying to relax as I leaf through a magazine.

But I don’t see a single word on the page.


It all comes rushing back to me, the years of hope and unrequited affection. His face fills my mind, just as golden and handsome as he ever was. I’d managed to forget him, pushing him to the farthest reaches of my memory—drowned out by Dex, and all his reckless, breathless passion. But now, the barriers I’ve put up to keep him out are crumbling.

My heart feels pulled in a dozen different directions. They couldn’t be more different. Dark and golden, solid and edgy. Hunter always made me feel safe; he’s the solid one, reliable. A real man, striding and easy. But there’s nothing safe about Dex. Every moment we’re together I feel like I’m standing on the edge of a cliff, ready to leap into the unknown. It’s thrilling and dangerous, a rush like no other.

But there’s no point in comparing them, I remind myself sadly. It’s not like I have a choice. Hunter is out of reach, completely, and Dex…

I don’t know what Dex is to me, what he could be. We made a bargain, nothing more.

What happens when the week is up?

I feel a pang. I was fine as long as everything stayed neatly in their different compartments: my feelings for Hunter locked away; and this time with Dex apart from everything else. A bubble, just the two of us. No consequences.

Now, everything’s whirling in a terrible mess. It should be simple, after the incredible few days Dex and I have shared, but my heart doesn’t pay attention to what makes sense. My feelings for Hunter flood me all over again, the terrible wistful ache, so familiar and so full of regret.

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