How did I ever get by without him?


Dex finally tempts me into town the next morning with the promise of the best French toast I’ve ever had before.

“They’re syrup-drenched miracles,” he declares, holding my hand tight and swinging it between us like a little kid as we walk down Main Street. It’s already bustling with tourists heading for the beach, and people out for their morning coffee as he rhapsodizes on the subject of the ultimate breakfast treat. “I swear, you’ve never tasted anything like it.”

I laugh, breathing in the scent of salt-tangy air and suntan oil, the sun beating down on my bare shoulders, warm beneath my bikini and tank top. “Now you’re building them up too high,” I tease him. “How can they possibly live up to a billing like this?”

“You’ll see,” Dex grins. He stops outside the old-fashioned diner, Mrs. Olsen’s, and holds the door open for me. “After you.”

I step inside as the doorbell rings out. It’s a charming cafe, all checkerboard floors and red leather booths, with the specials scrawled up on blackboards above the polished old counter.

Dex leads us to a booth in the corner and slides in after me, so close his whole body is pressed up against mine.

“You’re stealing my booth, mister,” I laugh, shoving lightly at him.

He leans in to kiss me. “Best seat in the house.”

I savor the feel of his lips on mine. Since the moment we woke up, tangled together on the couch, this has been a sun-drenched, blissful day. I can see, a weight has lifted from Dex: he seems lighter, freer, and I treasure every smile on that handsome face.

His eyes have seen too much darkness. He deserves nothing but easy summer days.

“So, I guess we shouldn’t even look at the menu.” I snuggle into the crook of his arm, watching the other customers. It’s a happy clutter of families and old regulars: a group of grey-haired men in the corner kvetching over the newspaper, while two toddlers skid shrieking around the room. “Not even for back-up, in case your miraculous breakfast fails us?”

“Oh ye of little faith.” Dex grins widely. “I bet you’ll love them.”

“Another bet?” I arch an eyebrow. “I seem to recall the last one didn’t turn out so great for you.”

Dex leans closer. Under the table, his hand creeps over my thigh. “What are you talking about? I got exactly what I wanted.”

I shiver, remembering the skinny-dipping…and the feel of Dex’s body holding me down in the shallows as his hands roamed—

“Can I get you sweethearts anything?”

The sound of the waitress snaps me back to reality. It’s an older woman, looking at us with a knowing smile, as if she can see exactly where Dex’s hand is sliding over my thigh.

Dex places our order, enough food to feed an army. “We’ll have leftovers for days!” I protest, when the waitress heads back to the kitchen.

“Man hungry,” Dex growls, “man need meat.”

“Hush, you,” I laugh, shoving him playfully, but Dex wraps his arms around me tight, nuzzling at my neck.

“We’re going to need our strength,” he growls, teasing. “This is only Day Five, baby. I’ve got plans for you yet.”

I laugh along, but his comment about the date chills me a little. I’d forgotten all about the original deal we struck.

One week. No rules, no limits.

And here we are, with just a couple of days left.

“What’s wrong?” Dex looks down at me.

“Hmm? Oh, nothing,” I quickly push my fears away. Luckily, the waitress returns in double-quick time with our food: a mountain of syrup-drenched carbs and crispy bacon.

“Oh my gosh,” I exclaim, taking in the spread. “We’ll never eat all of this.”

“Just watch.” Dex winks, grabbing a strip of bacon and taking a bite. “I’m telling you, sweetheart, you’re going to need these calories if you want to keep up.”

“Promises, promises.” I turn my attention to the food, determined not to let the real world encroach on our perfect morning just yet. A single day with Dex feels like a lifetime: packed with more excitement, fun, and shivering desire than whole years of my life. We still have plenty of time before reality beckons.

At least, that’s what I think. But I’ve just taken a massive bite of French toast when the diner bell rings and a familiar voice calls across the room.


I don’t realize for a moment, I’m so wrapped up in Dex, and our private world of two. But then I glance up and see him there in the doorway. My heart pounds. It can’t be.

But it is.

Hunter. Sun catching in his blonde hair, looking devastatingly good in a plain white T-shirt and blue jeans.

The man I’ve been in love with for the past three years of my life.

I choke on my food, my eyes streaming as I gasp for air. “Woah,” Dex soothes me, “easy there.” He passes me a glass of juice. “You OK?”

I sip the juice and swallow, my mind racing as Hunter holds the door open for Brit. I see him point me out, and then the two of them are heading over, nothing but smiles of surprise and delight on their faces.

I wish the earth would open wide and swallow me whole.

“I can’t believe this,” Hunter exclaims, reaching the table. “I just called to leave you a message. What are you doing in town?”

He turns to Dex with a grin. “Hey man, I’m Hunter, and this is my fiancée, Brit.” Copyright 2016 - 2024