Finally, she said, "Miss- may I call you Lily?"

Lily nodded, intimidated.

"Your husband, Belloc, and . . . the other one . . . are known to me. We elves patrol throughout the Black Wood, and well into the bounds of the ancient elf kingdom, including the Marshes where you are from. I have seen nymphs upon occasion, though only by chance. But you are changed, and are more alike to us than to your sisters. I understand how this has come to pass, but you may find that others are more suspicious and quick to judge. I will try to spare you that much, while you reside in our Kingdom."

Lily was unprepared for being met with hostility, and showed it plainly.

"Please do not feel that such suspicion is directed at you personally," continued the harwynglaive in a lowered voice. "We have reason for our concern." She leaned close, so none could overhear. "Twice now, we have met travellers upon the road, hooded and cloaked. When we accosted them, they fled from us. Several elves were killed trying to subdue them, and they contrived to vanish, unscathed."

Lily listened, wide-eyed. What kind of beings could possibly pose such a deadly threat to soldiers such as these? Copyright 2016 - 2024