As the elves packed their provisions and mounted, several of them cast inquiring glances in Lily's direction. Becoming self-conscious, she said, "Anest, why are they staring at me?"

This drew a chuckle from Brogan, who said, "A pretty young girl in a dress riding double tends to stand out in a war party, Miss. I gather from their conversations that they wonder if Anest has rescued you from the enemy. That is cause for talk, for the enemy seldom takes prisoners."

Most of Dorain's encampment remained where whey were, intending to foil any pursuit. An elf named Finrain was put in charge of those who remained. Another elf, Jerra, led a scouting party of twenty. Dorain gave them instructions to ride a distance ahead to make sure the way was clear. Then, joining Belloc, she said, "I will ride with you in case any of our folk question your presence here. The girl presents a problem, for things are not what they seem these days, and we are become chary with our trust of strangers."

"It would seem then, that little has changed," muttered Brogan. Lily was shocked at his jibe, but the elf woman reacted strangely, colouring slightly, not looking at him. As they resumed, Brogan moved to the front with Belloc, as Dorain joined Lily and Anest. The harwyglaive didn't speak at first, consumed as she was with her own angry thoughts. Or was it anger? Copyright 2016 - 2024