Niles led one more desperate charge against the right flank of Morlock’s army, driving them back until their backs were to the moat. Then, crying, “Give them no quarter,” they pressed the attack. Twice he was deluged by desperate goblins who tried to overpower him physically. But fighting desperately, like a man possessed, he and his men drove the enemy back at a terrible cost. Abruptly, the enemies’ right flank collapsed as they lost their footing at the moat’s edge. They could almost taste victory, when a cry went up from the rear.

Morlock had somehow contrived to be on the craters’ edge, and he stood with his arms upraised.

“Retreat!” cried Belloc in a great voice. “He seeks to raise the waters in the crater and drown us all together. Ride! Ride like the wind!”

There was a loud rumble as the waters of the moat began to rise like a flood. Waving his staff, brandishing wizard’s fire, Belloc led the way directly towards Morlock’s position. Within moments they gained the craters’ edge, and began pounding upwards like revenge. With a cry of rage, Morlock sent an avalanche downwards to crush the intruders. But Belloc froze the avalanche in its tracks. In a moment they gained the top, and Morlock was nowhere to be seen. Copyright 2016 - 2024