The sound of thunder became oppressive, and the hordes in front of the castle began to look apprehensive.

“Sire!” cried Paris, “it is Belloc. He had come with an army.” The remaining men cheered and turned to face Morlock’s hordes, brandishing their swords.

“Charge!” cried Niles, and spurring his mount, bore down on the remainder of Morlock’s army.

“Fools!” cried Morlock, brandishing his wizard’s staff, “I will slay you all.” He raised his staff to strike, when a blast of wizard’s fire sent chunks of the castle wall flying about him.

“So, Belloc,” he said to himself, “you have indeed become powerful. I shall find another way to deal with you.” With that, he left the castle wall.

The battle at the castle’s gate soon became a bloodbath. Many fine men-at-arms perished against the finest of Morlock’s armies. Horses screamed, and men cried out in agony as they were hacked upon by the wicked, curved swords of this well-trained and disciplined army.

Paris of Celandhar perished as his horse was felled by black arrows, and he was set upon by many goblins. Niles too lost his horse and struggled on, wounded several times. The fighting became too close for Belloc to use his wizard’s staff, and he, too, was thrown into the fighting, his long sword flashing like lightening. Copyright 2016 - 2024