"By its side there was a man-figure dressed in black robes, and clutching a longsword. Fearsome and ghastly was this spectre. Even the Demon seemed wary of it.

"The men asked me it this was the Evil One himself, come to avenge himself upon us, and they were afraid.

"I knew by the creature's sword that it was an evil wight, and I told them so.

"The Demon and the wight were arguing about something, so over the protestations of my comrades, I stole closer that I might hear.

"They were in possession of Darrow's staff! `Twas I who slew the wizard,' hissed the Demon. I who stalked him. I who felt his presence.'

"The wight answered in a voice cold and low. `All such weapons are the property of the Master. He decides who gets such lore, and who does not. This toy is useless to one such as yourself.'

"`I do not serve your master,' hissed the Demon. I obey only the Summoning.'

"The wight laughed, and the sound of its voice was terrible to hear. `Mayhap I should break your summoning, then, Demon,' it said.

"The demon hissed in anger, and his eyes became fearsome to behold. `Do not threaten me, wight!' it hissed. `Do not forget that you merely serve evil. I am evil incarnate!'

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