He slipped out the door and left me in silence and for once, the stillness that I craved so much wasn’t enough.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


I know that in the future when I look back on this night I won’t remember one minute or even one second of my first exhibition game suited up as Flyer.

I won’t see images in my mind of the crowd, of the black and orange, of the fans or the players. I won’t remember the coach’s instructions, or the shouts from my teammates, or even the rough words of encouragement uttered in my ear by Matt. I won’t remember much of the team we played other than the Penguins didn’t bring it and we won.

I’m sure I won’t remember seeing my landscaper, Mike, in the stands or my parents sitting just behind the bench with my sister Eden and some guy she was dating who had more facial hair than I did in the playoffs.

I won’t think about the crush of reporters outside the locker room, or of how I’d barely been able to towel off before I was pulled into a multitude of interviews.

This was what I had worked for my entire life. Getting to this point. Being here. Being a Philadelphia Flyer.

And yet the only thing I will remember is seeing Georgia in an oversized Flyers jersey, leaning against the wall, her clear eyes on me. It was the sweetest, hottest fucking thing I’d ever seen, and like a goofy teenager my gut twisted and I felt as if I had been punched in the throat.

I felt Georgia as if she was standing next to me. Against me. As if she was inside me.

Someone shoved another microphone in my face, but I sidestepped it, a huge ass grin in place as she slowly turned in a circle so I saw my name and number on her back. Lancaster. Number 9.

It was as if I’d been tattooed onto her and she belonged to me.

Dave from Sportsnet asked me something, I have no idea what it was—I just nodded and pushed past him. I ignored the next reporter as well as the many shouted congrats on a great opening game from the gathered crowd.

I physically moved a female reporter out of the way and still in my skates, walked through all of them, my eyes never leaving Georgia. When I reached her, I felt like a goddamn giant and for a second I said nothing.

I was scared shitless. Sure, she was here and that was a damn good sign but still…

A month ago I’d asked her to choose me. To trust me. And for the longest time I thought I had fucked up. I thought that by not forcing myself on her that night I had lost her. And here she was.

Her eyes were shiny, glittering like pale blue/green diamonds and my finger swept away a tear drop that clung to the edge of her lashes.

Her bottom lip trembled and for one perfect moment we were alone. There was no crowd. No players. No coaches.

Just Georgia and I.

“You came,” I managed to get out.

She nodded and opened her mouth to say something but a switch turned on inside me and I scooped her up into my arms, my hands in her hair, my mouth on hers. I kissed her with all the emotion that had been clogging up my airways for the past few weeks. We connected with our lips, with our hands and our fingers and I felt her inside me.

And I don’t think I came up for air until her hands crept along my jaw and I felt the sting of hot tears in my mouth.

We were both breathing pretty heavy by then and she struggled a bit before she could whisper. “I chose you, Ben.”

She shuddered against me and for exactly two seconds I felt like the luckiest son-of-a-bitch on the planet.

“But,” she said softly, her eyes sweeping away as she bit her bottom lip. “Can we talk somewhere or…do you have to leave or…”

She was stumbling over her words and I was getting a sinking feeling in my gut. But she chose me right? She wanted to be with me right?

“I’ll do whatever you want, Peaches. Let me grab a quick shower and then we can go back to my place. We can talk. Does that sound good?”

She nodded, pressing her face into my neck and I slowly let her slide down, wincing as the outside world burst into our bubble. The noise. The people.

“I love you,” I whispered hoarsely into her ear. “Wait here. Don’t move, okay? I’ll be twenty minutes tops.”

“Okay,” she said softly, lowering her eyes in that way that drove me crazy as the crowd surged behind me. “I’ll be here.”

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