I frowned though I tried to keep my tone light. “Have you murdered anyone?”

“Not that I know of.”

A heartbeat passed.

“Then we’re good.”


I woke up with a stiff neck and an arm that was on fire. Georgia was still sleeping and gingerly I pulled my arm free, the ache in my gut still there as I stared down at perfection. It was late, we’d missed our run, and the sun was coming in her window causing a kind of halo to dance around her.

She was still on her side and I took a few seconds to appreciate what it was that laid there. So much creamy skin, all soft and curvy. I wanted to trace the indent of her waist and run my fingers across her hips and over her ass but I was afraid to wake her.

Don’t get me wrong—I wanted to wake her—I wanted her to wake up with me buried deep inside her but it was going to have to wait. After last night I knew I needed to take it slow with this girl.

Aside from the fact that my dick didn’t seem to understand that notion, I was fine with it. In fact, I was looking forward to spending as much time with Georgia as I could. I wanted to know what made her tick. I wanted to know what she was afraid of…what her dreams and goals were.

I wasn’t bullshitting. I wanted to know her secrets.

But she was right. We barely knew each other and if this was going to be something other than just a hook up, a relationship for fuck sakes, I needed to get it right.

With a groan I leaned over, because I couldn’t help myself, and I kissed the dimple just above her butt. I would have loved to have turned her onto her back because other than a quick glimpse the night before, her breasts were still pretty much a mystery to me—a mouth-watering mystery.

My dick sprang to life at the thought and I rolled away from her—needing a bit of space and perspective. There was time for Georgia to be naked. I grinned. Lots of time.

I’d just stepped out of her bedroom when I heard him.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

Mother fucker.

I squinted into the face of a very, very, pissed off Matt King and held my hands up, palms out. “Dude, it’s not what you think.”

He took a few steps closer and before I could say anything else, the bastard surprised me—fucking sucker punch. His fist connected with my jaw and I swung into the wall so hard a framed photo fell to the ground and crashed.

“What the fuck?” I snarled, shouldering him in the gut and sending him backward, hard.

The two of us glared at each other, until Matt spoke. “I told you to stay away from her. She’s fucking trouble. I can’t have her screwing with your head.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” He wasn’t making any sense. “What are we? Five years old?”

Something soft touched my shoulder and I glanced down at Georgia. She’d thrown on a robe and stood a few inches from me. She didn’t quite meet my eyes, and something twisted inside me, because I had a feeling everything had somehow changed and I didn’t understand any of it.

Georgia moved past me before pausing in front of her brother. I couldn’t see her face but Matt’s expression was fierce.

“He’s trying to tell you that you matter to him. That you matter to the team and he sure as hell doesn’t want anyone to screw that up. He’s trying to tell you that whatever this is between us won’t work and maybe you should listen to him.”

Okay, what the hell was happening? When had everything gone to shit?

“That doesn’t tell me anything.” I said roughly. “Georgia, what the fuck?”

“No,” she answered softly, a tremble in her voice. “It doesn’t. But my secrets aren’t easy. They’re not even close to easy and,” she paused. “This won’t work, as much as I want it to...it just won’t.” She paused again and stared up at her brother for several long seconds. “Thanks for pointing it out Matt. What the hell would I do without you?”

And then she disappeared into the bathroom and I didn’t know if I wanted to smash my fist into Matt’s face and break every bone that I could, or put a hole in the wall.

I had no idea what had just happened. No idea at all. I glared at the closed door. “Georgia, are we going to talk about this?”

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