The alarm on my watch went off and I got up. I gazed at him. "If it's not, when you get better we'll try again."

"Deal." He grinned at me and I squeezed his hand.

I grabbed the stick and without looking walked back to bed. I sat down on the bed in front of Keith, tucking my legs underneath me. "We'll find out together. Two lines mean yes and one line means no."

He nodded and we both looked down at two pink lines. I put the stick on the night stand and then I threw my arms around his neck and he held me close.

"Oh, my god, we're having a baby! I mean I was pretty sure that we were, I just knew it somehow but this makes it real. Wow, this great. You're amazing, Mandy."

I pulled back and looked at him; the smile on his matched mine. I took his face in my hands and kissed him as he laid his hand on my stomach."You're amazing too, and I couldn't be happier. I sensed it too, with my emotions going haywire and the sickness."

"You got sick?" He gave me a worried look.

"Yeah, after I saw the video," I said quietly not wanting to destroy the light mood.

"Ah, well then this makes up for this horrible day, doesn't it?" He said understanding.

"It sure does." I said and Keith chuckled.

Keith hugged me close and kissed me tenderly. "I love you, Mandy."

"I love you too, Keith."

The nurse walked in and put the tray of food on the table. "The doctor will be in shortly. Do you need anything else?"

"Uh, yeah this sling is kinda uncomfortable," Keith replied.

"I'll get you some pillows to elevate your arm, so you can take it out of the sling." She examined his hand.


"No problem, after you eat, I'll take the IV out. Oh, and congratulations the looks on your faces say it all."

Keith grinned and so did I. "Thanks," we said.

She walked out and quickly came back with three pillows, and stacked them on Keith's side. Keith took his arm out of the sling and rested his hand on the pillows. He thanked the nurse and when she left I grabbed the tray, handed a half of a hamburger to Keith and took one for myself. I sprinkled salt on the fries and opened the soda. Copyright 2016 - 2024