Alicia's ex boyfriend's mother had an perscription for that medicene given to her by a local doctor. The next week the evidence room was closed and old files was going to be destroyed or replaced in a different location. Detective O'Donnell still being on light duty requested that he helped to move the evidence boxes which didn't weigh that much to their new location . He was put in charge of the ones that was desinated to be destroyed re located.the files that still be used future cases of appeal.

He had time to hide the evidence where he could get to it.. He took the boxes of evidence to be shredded down to the basemant to thee big shredder then the ones that the coronor was going to keep for them in case of appeal the coronor could redo DNA testing on the evidence. He placed Alicia's file in with a different case box

​ The grand jury heard the evidence against Alicia's ex boyfriend and charge him with first degree murder, his parents lawyer on and them for acessory after the fact, The Mayor on obstruction of Justic. Family services took possession of sweet little Jasmine and a current test was done to determine the parents of her. The new DNA test was a quicker test than some and the knew she was the daughter of the deceased woman named Alicia Parks and Mrs. Parks was awarded guardian of Miss Jasmine Marie Parks. Detective O'Donnell didn't think that promise of his was ever going to be.fullfilled. Copyright 2016 - 2025