She knew two things at the moment; the hand towel that she’d tossed him a few minutes ago hadn’t hit the floor and Danny was clearly enjoying this just as much as she was. She’d never been playful, never teased a man like this and she was enjoying it almost as much as she was enjoying his reaction to her. It was an incredible feeling having a man like this panting after her.

“I’m a considerate kind of guy,” he said, rubbing a towel down her back.

“Yes,” she said, closing her eyes as she enjoyed his touch, “you are.”

“Mmmhmmm,” he said, moving closer until the towel rack that he was sporting between his legs was pressed against her back, the soft material of the “hand towel” caressing her back and making it difficult to focus on anything else.

“I thought you wanted to take things slow,” she said, licking her lips not realizing until this moment just how nervous she really was.

“We can still take this slowly, sweetheart,” he promised, reaching around her with the towel.

She trembled as he ran the towel between her breasts. “How slowly?” she found herself asking, licking her lips anxiously as he gently ran the towel over her stomach and back up between her breasts.

“Slow enough to help take the edge off, but not enough to take away from the moment when you and I make love for the first time, Jodi,” he said, emphasizing his words with a kiss and her name, making her melt. “We’ll wait to take this all the way, sweetheart, but if I don’t hear you moan my name soon I’m going to lose my goddamn mind.”


Shit, he’d pushed her too far, too fast, he realized as the last words slipped from his lips and his little Tinkerbelle turned around and took the towel away from him. He opened his mouth to backtrack, apologize, grovel, anything that would stop her from leaving him.

“I- oh, God!” the vicious growl ripped from his throat as his little Tinkerbelle took him by surprise.

“What if I want to hear you moan my name?” she asked in a surprisingly sultry voice that had his cock jumping in her hand.

He opened his mouth, but the only thing that came out was a choked groan as she squeezed the towel hanging off him around his cock. Licking his lips, he looked down and watched the small tan hand holding the white towel wrapped around his cock move. It had been so long since a woman touched him this way and it had never felt this good before.

He should stop her, take back control and show her how good it could feel when a man touched her. He wanted to erase every bad memory that piece of shit before him had made. He wanted to show her how pleasurable a man’s touch could be, should be. He wanted to lay her down on the bed and kiss every inch of her body, but at the moment he could barely stand as he watched that small hand move the towel over him.

With every stroke of her hand, the towel shifted until the head of his cock would disappear and reappear with every stroke. The sight mesmerized him. Without thought, he shifted his legs apart and arched to give her better access.

“Is this okay?” she whispered almost shyly, shooting him a questioning look as she continued to stroke him with the towel.

“Better than okay,” he growled, leaning down to kiss her. “Don’t stop, Jodi. Don’t stop.”


“Please don’t stop.”

“I won’t,” she whispered against his mouth as she tightened her grip around his erection experimentally, not sure if she was doing this right, but that loud groan that he released against her mouth had her smiling.

Whenever she’d done this with Jerry he’d complained, made sounds of annoyance and glared at her because he couldn’t maintain an erection or even seem to enjoy it. At first she’d enjoyed experimenting with him, trying to figure out what he liked until one day the thought of touching him left her feeling sick and nervous. It hadn’t exactly helped that she hadn’t liked the way that he’d touched her.

He’d always left her feeling cold and worthless. When she didn’t come, and she never did when he touched her, he put her down, made her think that there was something wrong with her. He’d never hesitated in telling her that she didn’t know what she was doing in the most assholish way possible.

He’d made her feel worthless.


He made her feel beautiful, sexy and desirable. He never complained about the way that she touched him or kissed him. He welcomed her touch, seemed to crave it. He made her feel whole. He never complained, never bitched, gave her a dirty look or made her feel like garbage. No, not Danny. He murmured words of encouragement, kissed her, caressed her and had absolutely no problem with letting her know how much he enjoyed being with her.

“Wait,” he said, startling her. He placed his hand over hers, stopping her.

“Sorry,” she said, shaking her head. “I’m sor-”

“Shhh, sweetheart,” he said soothingly, reaching down between them and yanking the hand towel away. “I just want to feel your hand wrapped around me.”

Hand over hers, he wrapped her hand back around his erection and kissed her. “Don’t stop, Jodi. Don’t stop.”

Chapter 26

She had him begging for a hand job.

If he wasn’t so damn close to coming harder than he’d ever come in his life he’d probably laugh, but goddamn, this felt good. He wanted to push her hand away, turn her around and shove his cock inside that sweet little pussy he’d been fantasizing about for months.

He reached up and cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. He invaded her mouth, teased her tongue into playing with his and groaned when she gently suckled his tongue in time with her strokes. He was so damn close to coming, to screaming her name, but he wanted to prolong it, to make this feeling last.

“You feel so good,” Jodi moaned in his mouth, destroying his control.

One second he was struggling not to flex his hips and ride her hands and the next he was blindly reaching out, slapping his hand against the wall and yelling her name until his legs buckled, almost dropping him on his ass. Exquisite pleasure shot down his spine and tore through his cock, robbing him of the ability to breathe, to think, to do anything but hold onto the wall.

He opened his eyes, panting hard and stared down at Tinkerbelle. Her cheeks were flushed, her breaths were coming faster and faster and she was watching him with an expression mixed of hunger and amazement. She was absolutely beautiful and she was most definitely his.

“On the bed……now,” he bit out, needing to hear her lose control. He wanted to hear her scream his name, to feel her tremble beneath him, to hear her moan and gasp as he pleasured her.

When she didn’t move fast enough, at least not for his sanity, he grabbed her. He wrapped his arms around her and picked her up. She wrapped her arms and legs around him as he swooped in and picked up where they’d left off. He devoured her mouth, groaning loudly when he felt just how wet she’d become from touching him.

He carried her into the bedroom and laid her down on the edge of the bed. He slid his tongue across hers one last time before he pulled away, but he didn’t go far. He brushed his lips against hers as he pulled his arms away.

“Don’t move, Tinkerbelle,” he said hoarsely as he pressed a kiss against her stubborn little chin. Copyright 2016 - 2024