He blinked innocently at her breasts as he said, “Continuing our conversation?”

Shaking her head, she turned around and pulled the curtain open. “You don’t need to be naked to continue this conversation.”

“No,” he murmured thoughtfully, “but it helps.”

Too tired to argue with him, she pushed her panties off and climbed in the shower, uncaring if he followed her inside. They hadn’t seen each other naked since that morning when she’d woken up to find him lying on top of her, apparently pinning her to the bed so that she couldn’t do anything questionable during her drugged out state.

“It will be fun,” he said as he stepped inside the shower behind her, pausing by her side long enough to press a kiss against her shoulder.

“I’m sure you’ll have a great time with your family, Danny,” she said, licking her lips and trying to pretend that the feel of his lips on her bare skin didn’t make her breath catch.

“Not unless you’re there, Tinkerbelle,” he said, moving his lips along her shoulder. “Please come with me, sweetheart,” he asked softly as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him.

She opened her mouth to argue with him, but that “please” undid her so the only thing that came out of her mouth was, “I can’t. I just can’t.”

“Why not, Tinkerbelle?” he asked, turning his head so that he could press another kiss against her neck. “I can’t do this without you, Jodi. Please don’t make me do this without you.”

She opened her mouth to tell him no, but somehow she found herself saying, “I’ll ask, but I can’t make any promises.”

“Thank you,” Danny whispered, pressing another one of those kisses to her shoulder that she was really starting to love.

She closed her eyes and leaned back into his touch and felt herself relax for the first time all day. She’d ask and her boss would say no, but at least she could say that she’d tried. Then Danny would go on his trip, she would stay here and miss him, those two weeks would be difficult, but she’d get through it. Then when he came back she would-

“Pass the soap?”

Chapter 25

“What the hell?” he asked, stumbling across the small bathroom floor after the little bully shoved him out of the shower.

Tinkerbelle’s beautifully smug face peeked out from behind the curtain. “I believe that you wanted to take this slow,” she said, clearly biting back a smile as she reached out and grabbed a clean hand towel off the rack and threw it at him.

He didn’t bother trying to catch it. Instead he focused all of his energy on glaring at the woman that was driving him out of his fucking mind. “We were having a conversation.”

She shrugged as she stepped back and disappeared behind the semi-clear curtain, leaving him with a tantalizing view that left him fighting the urge to rip the curtain off the rod and get right back in there with her. God, she was sexy, he thought, licking his lips hungrily as he followed the outline of her curvy little body with his eyes.

“Which we finished,” she said, loud enough to be heard over the shower.

“But I had many more valid points to make,” he said absently with a groan as he watched her pick up a loofah sponge and run it over her breasts and over her stomach.

She chuckled as she ran the sponge back up over her breasts and over her shoulder. “I already agreed to ask if I can have some time off. What else did we need to discuss?”

“Umm, many things…..many, many things,” he murmured, shifting anxiously as he watched her bend over and run the sponge up and down her curvy little legs.

“Well?” she said, switching to the other leg.

“Well, what?”

She chuckled, shaking her head ruefully. “What else did you want to talk about?”

“Things?” he struggled to say as he watched her place the loofah sponge down and pick up a bottle of body wash and pour some into her hand. When she slowly reached down between her legs he was forced to slap his hand on the sink counter when his legs threatened to give out and drop him on his ass.


He opened his mouth only to release a loud, pained groan as he watched her hand move up and down as she washed between her legs.

“So, you understand?” she said, breaking through his rather inappropriate thoughts and making him realize that she’d been talking the entire time he’d been watching.

“Yes?” he asked, having absolutely no idea what she’d just said.

“So you won’t be mad?”

“Ummm…,” his thoughts dissolved as she turned around and began running her hands over her back and ass.

“They’re probably going to say no.”

“Who will?”

“My boss.”

“Say no about what?” he asked, watching as her hands moved back to her breasts as she used her hands to help wash away the soap.

“The time off,” she replied, tilting her head back to get her hair wet.

“What about it?”

“They’re probably going to say no,” she explained, reaching up to push her hair back, causing her back to arch and her breasts to-


“I haven’t been there that long, Danny. They’re probably going to say no.”

“Doesn’t hurt to try,” he mumbled, licking his lips as he reached out and grabbed a fistful of curtain.

“It doesn’t, but they’re probably going to say no.”

She was going, he’d already decided that.

She’d been working as a librarian for less than a year, and although there were great benefits to working for the city, they usually didn’t kick in until after a year. She’d ask, they’d say no and then he’d have to step in. He didn’t want to disappoint his mother, but he didn’t think he could handle a trip to the happiest place on earth without his Tinkerbelle.

Then again, he didn’t think that he could handle two weeks with his father with or without Tinkerbelle by his side. He loved his mother, adored her really, but he didn’t think that he could handle this trip alone, even for her. He’d make sure that Jodi got the time off and then he’d use it to his advantage for his game plan.

“They might surprise you,” he said off-handedly, pushing the curtain out of the way and stepping back inside the shower where he was going to test his control for the next twenty minutes.


“Didn’t I just kick you out?” she asked, biting back a smile when she felt his arms wrap around her.

“Yes, but I came back,” he said softly as he kissed her neck.

“Yes, I can see that,” she said, smiling as she reached over and shut the water off.

“Don’t you want to finish your shower?” he murmured, pressing another kiss against her neck.

“Already finished,” she said with a careless shrug as she pulled the curtain aside and stepped out, not at all surprised when he followed her.

“I’d be more than willing to make sure that you didn’t miss any spots,” Danny offered, tracing his fingers down her arm, making her shiver.

“That’s very considerate of you,” she murmured, shooting him a glance over her shoulder only to have to turn her head right back around and bite her lip to stop herself from smiling, laughing or groaning, she wasn’t sure which one at the moment.

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