Maulfry came bowing forward. Isoult turned and walked slowly away from

her, Vincent in company and on the watch; Maulfry followed, gaining.

By the buttery door Isoult suddenly stopped and faced round. Maulfry

was before her.

"Maulfry," said the girl quietly, "what do you want with my lord?"

Maulfry's eyes shifted like lightning from one to the other. She felt

her rage rising, but swallowed it down.

"You little fool," she said, "you little fool, his life is in danger."

"I have warned him, Maulfry. It was in danger."

"Warned him! I can do better than that. Why, your own is as shaky as

his. You have brought it about by your own folly, and now you are like

to let him be killed. Take me to him, child, for his sake and yours."

"You will never see him, Maulfry."

Maulfry hesitated for a second or two. She was very angry at this


"You are a great fool for such a little body, Isoult," she said; "more

than I had believed. Come now, let me pass." She made to go on:

Isoult, to get ready, stepped back a step, but Vincent slipped in

between them. He was shaking all over.

"Stay where you are, dame," he said.

Maulfry gave a jump.

"Bastard!" She spat at him, and whipped a knife into his heart.

Vincent sobbed, and fell with a thud. In a trice Isoult had struck

with her dagger at Maulfry's shoulder. Steel struck steel: the blade

broke short off at the haft.

A guard came out with a torch, saw the trouble, and turned shouting to

his mates. Half-a-dozen of them came tumbling into the passage with

torches and pikes. There was a great smoke, some blinding patches of

light, everywhere else a sooty darkness. By the time they were up to

the buttery there was nothing to be seen but a boy sitting on the

flags with a dead boy on his knees. Maulfry had gone. As for Vincent,

Love had killed love sure as fate.

When Prosper heard of it all he was very angry. "Is this how you serve

me, child? To fight battles for me? I suppose I should return the

compliment by darning your stockings. I had things to say to this

woman, many things to learn. You have bungled my plans and vexed me."

Isoult humbled herself to the dust, but he would not be appeased.

"Who was this boy?" he asked her. "What on earth had he to do in my


"Lord," she said meekly, "he died to save me from death, and once

before he risked his life to let me escape from Tortsentier."

Prosper felt the rebuke and got more angry.

"A fool meets with a fool's death. Boys and girls have no business

with steel. They should be in the nursery." Copyright 2016 - 2024