Melot bounced out of the room. Jocosa loitered about, hoping for a

frolic. A chance look at Master Roy seemed to convince her that she

too had better go.

As soon as they were alone Isoult made haste to eat and drink. Between

the mouthfuls she said-"She has not come yet."

"No," said Vincent, "but she will come soon. There is time enough for

what she has to do. She had to wait till it was dark. She never works

in daylight."

"We are safe now," Isoult said.

"How is that--safe?"

"She will never see my lord except through me. The doorward will bring

her to me, or me to her. Then I shall be sent to my lord."

"And will you go, Isoult?"


"What will you do?"

Isoult looked down at her belt, whither Vincent's eyes followed hers.

"Ah," he said, "will you dare do that?"

"There is nothing I would not dare for him."

Thereupon Vincent pulls out his dagger as bravely as you please.

"Isoult," says he, "this is man's work. You leave her to me."

"Man's work, Vincent?" But she could not bear to finish the sentence,

so changed it. "Man's work to stab a woman?"

"Man's work, Isoult, to shield the lady one loves--honours I should


"Yes, that is better."

"No, it is worse. Oh! Isoult, may I not love you?"

"Certainly not."

"But how can I help it? I do love you. What can prevent me?"

Isoult coloured.

"Love itself can prevent you, Vincent."

"Oh! you are right, you are wise, you are very holy. I have never

thought of such things as that. And is that true love?"

"Love should kill love, if need were."

"Love shall," said Vincent in a whisper. Whereupon Isoult smiled on


They fell to chatting again, discussing possibilities, or facts, which

were safer ground. Isoult heard the stroke of ten. Presently after,

the page-in-waiting sang out a challenge. A shuffling step stopped, a

cracked voice asked for Messire Prosper le Gai.

"Maulfry!" said Vincent with a shiver.


"It is late to see Messire," said the page.

"He will see me none the less, young gentleman."

"Wait where you stand. I will fetch his squire."

Isoult got up. Vincent was already on his feet.

"Shall we go?" asked the boy.

"Wait," said the girl. "We must get rid of Balthasar."

Balthasar came in with his message to Roy. Isoult affected to know all

about it. She sent Balthasar off to find a sealed package, which did

not exist, in a turret room where it could not have been. Balthasar

went. He was a dull boy.

"Now," said Isoult, and led the way into the passage.

It was pretty dark there and draughty. A flickering cresset threw a

flare of light one minute, and was shrivelled to a blue spark the

next. It sufficed them to see a tall beribboned shape, a thing of

brown skin and loose black hair--a tall woman standing at a distance.

Side by side Isoult and Vincent went down towards her. Half-way Isoult

suddenly stopped and beckoned Maulfry forward with her hand. The fact

was that she had seen how near the woman stood to the guard-room door;

she wished to do her business undisturbed. Vincent, however, who knew

nothing of the guard-room, had a theory that Isoult was frightened. Copyright 2016 - 2024