The crew giggled, but the captain gave her a cold look and grabbed the microphone out of her hand. “Of course we want your time with us to be enjoyable. So remember, if you’re having a bit of good, safe fun, the passengers will be too. Make the most of any shore time you get. Rest when you can, eat healthily and in good time, and remember—” He smiled. “—you’re living in paradise.”

Everyone cheered and clapped.

“Dismissed,” he said. The crowd started to disperse, the low drone of all those excited voices echoing around the theater.

Captain Atkinson flicked the microphone switch to off and handed it back to her. “I’m not sure that was strictly necessary, Michaela. Let’s allow them their moment of romantic bliss for at least one day, shall we?”

“Certainly, sir.” She bit her lip to stop the words she wanted to say from escaping.

“I hope that last point wasn’t directed at me? I thought we were beyond all that.”

“Of course, sir.”

“Good.” He started to turn away, about to leave, then stopped and raised a dark eyebrow at her. “Sorry I had to take over, but one of the new girls in admin is the daughter of someone at head office. Wanted to make sure she reported back that we’re all shipshape.”

You don’t trust me, you mean.

“I would have thought that leaving the cruise director to do her job would have made that impression more effectively than you stepping in. Sir.”

The statement came from behind her, spoken in a deep, low voice. When Michaela turned to discover its owner, she was hit by a blast of the same green eyes that had been unsettling her all morning. She caught her breath. Close up, he was even sexier than she’d realized.

The dancer stepped forward so he stood beside her, but she moved just a little to make sure the spark she felt didn’t get any hotter.

“And you are?” The captain almost spat. He wasn’t used to being spoken to like that. Mr. Green Eyes had better watch it.

“Dylan Johns, new dancer. I don’t mean to intrude, but I overhead you and couldn’t help myself.”

The captain bristled, but Dylan seemed almost bored, his face a nonchalant mask Michaela couldn’t read. The newbie was ballsy, she’d give him that.

“We like to follow the chain of command around here.” The captain turned to Michaela, ignoring Dylan completely. “I happen to know the girl’s father likes a man in charge. I was making sure he’s confident we’ve got everything under control. Cruise Director.” Captain Atkinson clicked his heels together, military style, and spun sharply on his polished white shoe before marching out of the theater, his lurking subordinates following at his heels.

Michaela’s cheeks burned with indignation. Bloody Atkinson, saying she wasn’t up to the job because she was a woman.

“Time to go,” she snapped at Felicity. Grabbing her friend’s arm, she practically dragged her out of the theater and away from Mr. Green Eyes before he could add to her embarrassment.

“What was that about?” Felicity hissed as they left.

“What was what about?”

Innocent, much?

“Your ‘Thou shalt not have a good time, boys and girls’ speech. I know you don’t go there, but that was pretty full on.”

“Oh.” Michaela shrugged, relieved. “Why not be clear about boundaries from the get-go?”

“You were thinking of that delectable guy from admin and giving yourself a firm telling off for having unprofessional thoughts, weren’t you?” Felicity’s grin was devilish.

“Admin?” Michaela blushed, the green-eyed new staff member springing to mind. The green-eyed dancer.

She almost laughed as the realization hit her. Come on, he’s a male dancer! Might as well be attracted to a tropical palm tree for all the good it would do. “Oh, yes, the dark one from admin,” she said. “I was probably letting him seduce me subconsciously.” She winked at Felicity, hoping that would be an end to it.

Felicity smiled. “It was a good cover. No one is going to suspect you when he’s found tied up in his stateroom with whipped cream covering his chest.”

“Felicity!” Michaela felt the blush right down to her toes. “You know very well I would never! And he’s not all that edible, anyway.”

“Rightio.” Felicity chortled. “If you don’t want him, be sure and let me know. He gave me a filthy little smile in the middle of your tirade. I’m sure I can find space for him within my male menu. And I think his chocolate good looks would go perfectly with cream.”

Michaela let her jaw drop open in mock horror, then got infected by the glint in Felicity’s eye and laughed. It was good to have a girlfriend on board. Despite Felicity being so much younger and far more of a good-time girl than Michaela, it was fun to laugh with another woman and know she wouldn’t be made to pay for it later in some subtle way.

Michaela looked at her watch. It was definitely time to be more of a good-time girl herself instead of letting her career aspirations dictate her every move. “Six o’clock. Cocktail hour?”

“I thought you’d never ask.”

This first night was a time for the new crew to get adjusted to their onboard surroundings—for people to meet properly, have briefings, and make plans. But Michaela’s core team were all repeat contractors. The only new crew on her staff were the entertainers. Those dancers and singers would be busy for some hours yet, working with the choreographer and checking costumes. Felicity was equally lucky to be working with an experienced crew.

“I’m thinking a chocolate mudslide might be in order,” Felicity said as she slid onto the bar stool next to Michaela.

“I was hoping for an Emerald Dream,” Michaela said, picturing the eyes that the fruity cocktail with a generous shot of Midori would perfectly accompany.

“Whatever takes your fancy.”

Michaela felt herself relax as the sun started its gentle softening over the edge of the sea, right in front of the poolside bar. “It is beautiful really, isn’t it?” she asked.

“Living onboard a magnificent cruise ship? Sailing around the Pacific Islands all day? Come on, you know it’s a bit of a gift. How many people get to watch the sun set over the ocean every day?”

As she took a sip of her drink, Michaela had to admit it was rather magnificent—her drink and the view. She gazed into the cocktail and thought again about the man with the dreamy eyes she’d met in the theater. Copyright 2016 - 2024