They both laughed, but the humor was hollow for Michaela.

“I know you don’t go there, darling,” Felicity said, “but it’s always nice to look, isn’t it? And we can’t all be as wonderfully chaste and professional as you. You have to admit, this intake has some exceptional hotties.”

Michaela followed the head purser’s gaze from the front-row seat in the cruise ship’s theater to the stage, where the new crew members stood huddled under the lights like performing sheep, waiting for their onboard induction. “I’m not sure I’d call any of them hotties,” she whispered, feigning lack of interest. Truth was, the tall male dancer was definitely hot. Even the way he stood, like a cat about to pounce, sent a thrill though her. Michaela couldn’t help the blush that stole up her neck. “We should stop it, Felly, someone might hear.”

“Sorry,” Felicity sighed. “It gets to me sometimes. You know, the romantic setting, the heat, the short, tight uniforms…”

Michaela’s laughter was real this time as her friend fell into a mock swoon. “Come on, let’s get this over with.” She stood, smoothing down her dress uniform, the neat navy blazer with gold braid emphasizing the lean line of her body. “Smiles on.”

She stole another look at the hottie as she stepped onto the stage and launched into her practiced speech.

“Good morning, everyone.” One hundred heads turned toward her, one hundred dewy, expectant faces looked up at her, and one expectant face in particular seemed to look with careful interest. A face with green eyes like the clear Pacific Ocean and a slow smile that was making her heart beat far too quickly. Michaela forced herself to take a controlling breath. “Welcome to the Pacific Empress, and welcome—” She paused for effect. “—to our family.”

As she went through her standard spiel, Michaela kept noticing those emerald eyes on her. Pinpricks of tension again whispered over her skin. Enough already, she scolded herself and turned her head to block any part of him from her view. The tension faded. She stood straighter as she continued.

This was her sixth year working in the cruise industry, her second year on this ship. Perseverance, skill, and luck had landed her this position. She was the only woman to hold the cruise director job in the entire Adventurer Cruises fleet. The work had taken its toll, though. The hours were long, the focus it required extreme. She knew it sometimes made her snappish—even cold—with her staff.

When she first started, she’d been after a new challenge—a challenge and a bit of adventure, promising herself she’d stay in the cruise business for five years max. She’d met too many people who had been onboard for too long, and it had sapped something vital out of them. You could see the strain in their faces.

Now here she was, six years later and with the top job. An international management position back on land was next on her wish list, but it would be hard to leave such a good setup. No one was exactly falling over themselves offering her anything better, and having had a taste of life in the cruise business, Michaela sometimes wondered whether a desk job would be drab in comparison.

“I know this is the fulfillment of a long-held dream for many of you, and you’re right to be excited. The Pacific Empress is not just any ship,” she said. “This is a new life. A new world. A world where you will be part of other people’s dreams. A world where you’ll see Pacific Island life up close, swim in perfect waters, and work tirelessly with amazing people.”

“I’ll take over from here. Thank you, Cruise Director.”

Michaela jumped. The man behind her had appeared out of nowhere. Gold-encrusted epaulettes covered his shoulders, and his white uniform was starched so heavily, it probably stood up all by itself. Damn.

She covered the microphone. “What are you doing down here? I mean, you’re more than welcome, sir, but are you sure you want to take over? I’ve only just started.”

The captain nodded tightly and held his hand out for the microphone. His dismissive expression made her wince, but her professional veneer was practiced, and she kept her smile firmly fixed. She turned back to the new recruits. “One of those amazing people, in charge of your safety and mine, is your captain. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Captain Atkinson.”

A few people clapped as the captain flashed his own brilliant smile at the new crew. “Thank you. You can just stand there for now,” he said quietly before taking the microphone.

Felicity rolled her eyes behind the captain’s back, but Michaela tried to keep her face neutral. Bastard. Why did he always make her feel small?

Because he can. Suck it up.

The captain’s briefing was more an account of his own heroics than anything useful, and Michaela almost itched with the desire to get out of the theater. But he’d told her to stand there, so stand there she would.

Without her speech to concentrate on, she found her eyes wandering around the lofty theater. As if drawn by some supercharged magnet, they searched out the new recruit again. He was staring at her.

Shit. She did not need to start anything with one of her crew. She didn’t need to start anything, period. She’d fought hard for her independence and position and had built a reputation for not playing around, which she intended to keep.

Dragging her eyes away from green depths that promised, well, anything she wanted, she focused on the captain. It didn’t help. Standing in such close proximity to the man who had almost ruined her while feeling the heat of another man’s gaze was enough to make a girl need a drink.

The captain finished his very abbreviated description of passenger boarding protocol and turned to Michaela. “Anything I’ve missed, Cruise Director?”

She started to shake her head, then wondered if this was a test. She’d show him. Taking the microphone he proffered, she said, “Thank you, Captain. Just a quick note about onboard romances. Hopefully I won’t ever have to mention this again.” She felt the captain stiffen beside her. It was usually up to team leaders to warn new crew of the dangers of being caught with their pants down, but with the captain beside her she felt she needed to say…something.

“I cannot stress how seriously breaches of this protocol are looked upon. Relationships with passengers are strictly prohibited by your employment contracts, and affairs with fellow crew usually end badly. Remember, you’re going to be in the middle of the ocean. If you break up, there’s nowhere to go.” Copyright 2016 - 2024