“You love him.” Her entire face broke into a grin. “I thought it would take you a lot longer to realize it. Good. I’m happy for you both. He needs you as much as you need him.”

I watched her, a little shocked. She really didn’t mind that I’d fallen in love with Owen. There was no resentment or anger that I had encroached on her territory. She looked genuinely happy. There wasn’t a hint of dishonesty or sarcasm.

“We should get ice cream while we’re out to celebrate.” Mavis smiled before turning and skipping down the stairs.

I’d just poured my heart out, admitted I was in love with a man that I couldn’t possibly keep, and she wanted to get ice cream and gab like teenagers.

Okay, then. I guess a little ice cream wouldn’t be amiss considering the week I’d had.

As I made my way down the stairs with a trash bag full of dirty sheets I wondered if the giggly assassin bouncing down the stairs would order sprinkles on her ice cream sundae.

A DOUBLE SCOOP of ice cream may have not been the best idea right before clothes shopping. I could practically hear the mirror in front of me laughing as I tried on the pencil skirt and blouse Mavis had picked out for me. The teal shirt was tucked into the black pencil skirt which left nothing much to the imagination. Cool air touched the large swatch of cleavage exposed by the shirt.

“Try this next.” A tiny scrap of black material was flung over the dressing room door. “But come out here first. I want to see what you’ve got on.”

I took a deep breath and brushed the hair out of my face before opening the door.

“My, my.” Mavis tapped her chin before motioning me to spin in a circle.

I held my arms out and tried to keep from looking like a sullen teenager. It wasn’t that I didn’t like the outfit, I just didn’t like having it approved by the tiny woman across from me.

“You look like Kenny when I make him wear a suit.”

I frowned down at my clothes. I wasn’t a model, but I owned my curves and they were quite obvious in this ensemble. Which I’m guessing was the idea.

“I’m pretty sure Kenny doesn’t have boobs.”

“God knows if he did I’d never get him out of his room.” Mavis sighed.

A sales associate nearby laughed and I smiled.

“Shoes. You need tall, sexy shoes. How are you in heels?”

“That depends on how tall they are.” I narrowed my eyes. “So, this outfit passes inspection?”

“Oh, yes. Definitely.” She looked at the employee. “We’ll take this one as well. What other colors does that shirt come in?”

“Peach, gray, and white.”

“One in each color, please.” Mavis tapped her fingers along the back of a chair. “And the skirt. We want the pinstripe one as well.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

I headed back to the dressing room to change so I could give the clerk the pieces I was wearing. I pulled the black fabric down from the top of the door and frowned.

“What is this?” I held it up.

“A cocktail dress.” Mavis looked at me over her shoulder.

“That’s nice.” I lifted a layer of black lace that covered the tiny skirt and looked at her through it. “Where’s the rest of it?”

“Seriously? You had sex so loudly with Owen that I had to put headphones on and now you’re a prude?” She put her hands on her hips.

“Mavis,” I hissed. Heat flooded my cheeks and I looked around the dressing room. “I’m not being a prude. The skirt is barely going to cover my butt cheeks!”

“That’s the point, Ava.” Mavis walked over and gave me a gentle push toward the dressing room I was using. “We want Captain Horny distracted and eager to impress.”

“I thought you were the one that was going to be distracting Captain Horny! I’m just your introduction.” I waved the microscopic dress at her.

“If he is led by his dick the way you say, it won’t hurt to have two scantily clad women.” She pointed at my tiny room. “Go try it on. And I’ve got a couple more things for you afterward.”

I jerked the door shut and pulled the pencil skirt and blouse off. I held up the dress and frowned. There was a tiny zipper in the back. Sighing, I held the dress open and stepped into it. It took a lot of wiggling, but I managed to pull it up over my hips and slide my arms into the lace sleeves before grappling with the zipper. I looked at the mirror and froze. I stood up a little straighter and pushed my hair out of my face.

Oh, I couldn’t wait for Owen to see me wearing this dress.

“Does it fit?” Mavis asked.

I opened the door and stepped out. The skirt was definitely short but it stayed in place as I walked toward the triple mirror at the end of the hall. I took inventory of myself and actually wasn’t unpleased. My legs looked longer than normal, which was great. I stood on my tiptoes miming wearing high heels.

I looked at Mavis’s reflection, surprised to see her smiling smugly.


“I was right. It’s perfect.” She crossed her arms. “I missed my calling as a personal stylist.”

I rolled my eyes. I could just imagine her with a pin cushion strapped to her wrist, a throwing knife tucked behind it. She could sell and market little gun shaped charms and handcuff earrings. That wasn’t a bad idea, actually.

“Okay, so we can head out now?” I tucked my hair behind my ear and bit my lip. Shopping was great, especially with Mavis. She knew all of the great spots to hit. But it had been hours since Owen had left and I was nervous about boarding a train.

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