I trusted her.

That brought my total trusted assassins up to two. I might need to get my sixth sense checked at this rate. I never even suspected Danny was a criminal.

“I will see you in Scotland.” Owen tilted my chin so I was looking up at him. “And I promised to always tell you the truth. Do you believe me?”

“Yes.” The word left my mouth without hesitation.

“Thank you.” He lifted my hand and pressed his lips to it.

“Don’t kill Kenny.” I tried to keep my lips from wobbling. “He’s just a kid.”

“I promise to not leave any marks.” His lips quirked. “But I can’t promise I won’t rough him up a bit.”

“I guess that’s all I can ask for.” I stepped back and looked at the room we’d used.

He pulled me in for one more kiss. His warm lips made my knees weak and for a moment I let myself forget that this was goodbye, that we were about to run head first into danger, and enjoyed the kiss of the man I was falling in love with.

A loud honk blared from behind the house and I jerked, but not because of the horn. Was I really falling in love with Owen? The sexy assassin that brought me to my knees with just a look?

“Go. Before he starts hollering your name.” I gave him a gentle push. His eyes tightened and I could tell that he was worried. His lips pressed firmly and I wondered what he was fighting not to say. “Go. I’ll be fine. I’ve always wanted to visit Scotland. Maybe you could pick up a kilt while we’re there.”

“Kilt?” The skin around his jaw loosened and one side of his dashing smile tugged upward. “I’m an Englishman, not a Scotsman.”

“I wouldn’t care if you were from Mars. Having sex with a man wearing a kilt is on my bucket list. If you wear one I’ll have my wicked way with you until neither of us can walk.” I winked at him before bending over to pick up the sheets that had managed to make their way onto the floor.

Large hands grasped my hips, pulling me against his large erection. I stood up quickly and he caught my ear with his teeth before kissing my neck. “I’m not promising a skirt, but I’m going to hold you to that other part anyway, love.”

I shivered. “I certainly hope so.”

The horn sounded again and he growled. “I’m going to bloody kill that boy.”

“Go. Get out of here.” I walked to the other side of the bed to put distance between us. Part of me wanted to throw myself at him and beg him not to leave me. Not because I was scared for myself, but because I was scared something might happen to him.

“Tomorrow.” He stood there for a second watching me before turning and hurrying down the stairs.

I found a small linen closet and chose new sheets for the bed. I was switching the pillow cases when Mavis knocked on the door frame. She had a trash bag in her hand.

“You should throw those blankets away and the towels you used to shower. I’ve cleaned up all the medical supplies and figured I’d take those with us rather than throwing them away.”

“Uh, thanks.” Talking about throwing away the sex-soiled sheets was a bit uncomfortable. “Did you happen to check Owen’s shoulder before he left?”

“You do realize that unless he’s actively bleeding he’s not going to let anyone know if he’s hurting, right?” Mavis leaned against the wall and crossed her arms. “He’s stubborn.”

“I think most men fall into that category.” I tossed the last pillow on the bed.

“He wouldn’t have gone out there if he thought it would hinder him. He wouldn’t risk not being in top form.” She tilted her head and smiled. “He wouldn’t want to put you at risk. Because of an injury.”

“Oh, I don’t know. I’m sure he thinks he could take out an entire army with only one arm.” I shrugged and tried to go through the door, but she didn’t move.

“Actually, he probably could take out an army with one arm. The man is deadly. I’m more worried that he will be distracted and get himself killed by a lone gunman hauling around a bazooka twice his size.”

“You think I’m a distraction.” I let the bag I was holding rest on the floor. “I want Owen to be safe, I only want what is good for him.”

“You’re a double edged sword. You are great for Owen. I can’t remember ever hearing him talk so much or laugh so quickly. You light him up from the inside out.” She paused, her eyes never leaving my face. “But you’re also the number one thing that will get him killed. He’ll do anything to keep you safe and to ensure that you spend as much time with him as you are willing.”

Forever, I wanted to shout. I wanted to spend forever with him.

“I don’t have a claim on Owen. Despite what happened in the past, we were nothing but friends.” She took a step forward and somehow managed to grow a foot, and the aura of a pissed off tigress. “But if you bail on him after all of this, or push him away because this was just a heat of the moment thing, I’ll make sure you’re sorry. Owen is a rare man. Don’t break him.”

“Right.” I nodded my head, sarcasm far from my mind. “I’m not going to hurt him. I can’t. It would be like trying to stab myself. I need him. I need to know that he’s okay each morning. That he’s still alive and whole.”

Gulping in air I frowned down at the short woman.

“Trust me, I’m the one that will end up broken.” I closed my eyes. “I’m in love with him, but I don’t fit in his world. At some point he’s going to realize I’m holding him back.” It had taken a week, maybe less than a week, for me to fall in love with the sexy assassin that had rescued me.

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