In defense of Gray, Amedee deserves to be released regardless of what an asshole he is. His numbers have just steadily declined over the last four weeks, and I think that’s because while the team has unified, he’s remained on the outs. Mentally, he’s a mess out on the ice. He doesn’t trust his teammates, they don’t trust him, and his numbers reflect it. I expect during practice tomorrow you will see the final tear in our fabric mend completely now that he’s gone.

A text buzzes my phone in my pocket. I pull it out and see it’s from my agent. NBC and ESPN highly interested in you.

Hmmm. That’s something. At least it lets me know I have options if I retire, and man…that’s going to be a bitch of a decision to make.

If I continue to play like this the rest of the season, I know the Cold Fury will renew my contract. That means Gray and I will have to keep flying below the radar, and that does not sit well with me. Or, I could make the decision to just retire and start a new career. That would give Gray and me freedom to be in love right in front of the entire world.

I have to say, physically and mentally I don’t feel ready to retire. Once I do, it’s over. My hockey career becomes a thing of the past. But I feel I have a lot more to give this team and the league, and that places a huge burden on me. Love of Gray or love of hockey? Which one is more important?

I text back, Thanks for update, and then put my phone on the bar.

“Man, this is great,” Garrett says after taking a sip of his beer. “Just hanging out and chilling. You know what we should do…a guys’ night out. Let’s just stay here and drink all afternoon and into the night. We just don’t hang out the way we used to.”

“Speak for yourself,” Alex says with soft punch to Garrett’s shoulder. “I’d rather spend the evening with Sutton over you guys any day of the week.”

We all laugh, because it’s almost sickening how smitten Alex is with his wife. Of course, I could say the same for Garrett and Olivia and Zack and Kate.

Oh, and it’s a secret…but Gray and me.

“Come on,” Garrett presses us. “Yes, we all have our women at home, but our poor buddy Ryker doesn’t. Let’s take him out and show him a good time tonight.”

“As much as I hate to burst your bubble,” I tell Garrett with a sideways look, “I have plans tonight.”

“With who?” he throws right back at me.

And for the life of me, my mind goes blank. What do I say?

I’m guessing Garrett is reading the look of panic on my face, because he leans closer and says, “Oh…Ryker has someone he hasn’t told us about.”

I hear Zack cough behind me but I ignore him. I need to put this to rest right now. “I only meant that I’ve got plans with Violet and Ruby tonight,” I say smoothly, and hope that sounds credible.

“Whatever,” Garrett says, and then chucks a french fry at me. “You’re going out with a woman. I can tell by the look on your face. Or a man, whatever. I don’t care which, but you’re getting some action.”

Alex and Zack are snickering over the way Garrett goads me, but I just wave him off. “I’d like to indulge in your fantasies, but if a tea party with two little girls is getting some action, then that’s what’s happening in my life tonight.”

Doubt now creeps onto Garrett’s face, and he is right on the verge of believing me. I think I have disaster averted as I keep my eyes pinned on him. He gives me a look of acceptance just as my phone starts ringing. It’s set to vibrate so it rattles along the knobby wooden bar top and both my eyes and Garrett’s go down to it at the same time.

And fuck me ten different ways standing.

It’s Gray calling.

And if it’s not bad enough that he can see the words Gray Brannon on my caller ID, her picture takes up my entire screen. It’s one I snapped of her while I straddled her in my bed. I had just got done tickling her and her face was flushed and her eyes glazed from laughing so hard, but her hair was all spread out and she looked so beautiful as she smiled up at me I had to take a picture.

And as Garrett stares at it, there is no mistaking that Gray and I have something personal going on.

“Fuck,” I mutter, and grab the phone to answer it.

Garrett’s eyes are huge and he says, “No fucking way.”

“What?” Alex exclaims, and tries to look around Garrett to me.

I answer the phone with a terse, “Hang on just a second.”

Covering the phone with my hand, I say to Garrett, “Not a word about this.”

I turn to Zack and say, “Might as well fill them in.”

Zack nods and I pull the phone up to my ear as I get off my stool and start walking toward a more private place to talk. “Sorry about that,” I tell Gray. “Just getting some privacy.”

“Who are you with?” she asks curiously.

“Alex, Zack, and Garrett.”

“Now that sounds like a party.” She gives a soft laugh and I have a brief moment of exquisite ache for her.

“How did it go with Amedee?” I ask as I step outside the door of Houlihan’s. It’s relatively mild outside for the first of March and this definitely gives me the best privacy.

Gray sighs into the phone and she sounds weary. “It did not go well at all.”

“Want to talk about it?”

“Tonight. When you come over. And bring a big bottle of wine because I’ll need it,” she says. She pauses a moment, and then murmurs, “I miss you.” Copyright 2016 - 2024