“Hensley…you make a very powerful argument. I think I’m really starting to see what’s at risk here.”

She smiles at me bigger.

“What I’d like is for you to give me a few days. I need some time to come to grips with this so I can make this right.”

Her teeth are nearly blinding as she shoots me a victory grin. “Oh, Miss Brannon…you don’t know how much I appreciate that.”

I clasp my hands in front of me and nod at her kindly. “Thank you for coming by, but I actually have another appointment I have to get ready for.”

She understands my dismissal, but she has what she wants. “Um…okay. I’ll just lie low for a few days, let you have a chance to work stuff out. Make your goodbyes and all.”

Yeah, that’s not going to happen, lady.

I nod and smile at her again. “Best of luck, Hensley.”

I wait until she’s gone and the door closes before I collapse into my chair. I blow out such a huge breath of frustration that my heavy bangs lift briefly before fluttering back down.

Did that seriously just happen?

I almost shudder at the thought that I was this close—I cue up a mental image of the tip of my finger and thumb held just a millimeter apart—to giving in to that woman. She had me feeling so damn bad that I almost gave up Ryker to her. Had she not made the mistake of adding a little threat onto the end, she would have had me.

But the one thing I’ve learned in business is that you don’t go overboard in your sales pitch. She came on too strong at the end, which means that she didn’t believe in her product. She was trying to sell me a load of sweet family memories, and if they were really as valuable as she made them sound, she would have never needed to add the threat of exposure on the end.

That meant she was really selling me a pack of lies.

Don’t get me wrong. She clearly had some wonderful times with Ryker. I don’t doubt for a minute there was real love there. But her credibility was shot when she tried to coerce me, and I realized with brutal clarity that I needed to trust in Ryker’s feelings for me. And let’s not forget…she was the one who cheated on him. She’s the one who caused that marriage to fail.

So this is what I am going to do.

I’m going to trust that Ryker loves me. I’m going to trust myself that I love him. I’m going to trust him when he told me not to worry about Hensley, and from what I just observed, I doubt she has her own pair of lady balls to piss Ryker off by outing us.

I take another deep breath. It’s all going to be okay.

I pull out my phone and send a quick text to Ryker. Any chance you can do dinner at my house? 6 p.m.? We need to talk.

Zack and Kate will be able to keep the girls, and Ryker knows I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important. And this is important. I need to tell him about Hensley’s visit, and that I almost caved. I need to let him know, however, that I wised up quickly and that I want to push forward right alongside him. I know he thinks I’m doubting all of this since I’ve put him off the last few days, so it’s time for me to ease any doubts.

Ryker sends me a text back. Sure. Kate will watch girls. Everything okay?

I smile as I tap out my response. Everything is perfect. Can’t wait to see you.

Opening my desk drawer, I place my phone in there so I’m not tempted to continue texting back and forth with him. I actually do have important work to get finished today. Namely, my meeting with Claude Amedee, which is in an hour. We set it for late morning, wanting to hit him as soon as the team got back into Raleigh. Frank is going to sit in on the meeting with me, and I’m very thankful, because I’m a little intimidated by Claude and his antipathy toward me.

Add to that that both Alex and Ryker have warned me about this guy and I’m expecting a blowup when I release him. While I don’t think he’s stupid enough to get physical, having Frank there puts my mind at ease somewhat. Still, I hate confrontation like this. It’s a time and energy suck, so I only hope my release buyout is enough to assuage his anger.

Chapter 25


Zack, Alex, Garrett, and I sit at the bar in Houlihan’s as we eat lunch and have a few beers. No practice today, as our next game isn’t until Wednesday, and honestly, I’m thankful for the break.

Thankful to just be sitting here with my friends, shooting the shit.

Just normal, everyday shooting the shit, and it’s a welcome relief from all the stress of the last few days.

Hensley busting me and Gray.

Gray freaking out to the point I could feel her withdrawing.

Hensley threatening to out Gray and me.

Me threatening Hensley.

Keeping the fact Gray and I love each other a secret.

It’s just one thing after another and rivals even the most dramatic soap opera on TV. It’s gotten me so fed up with it all that I put some feelers out to see what might be available to me if I retire. My agent is working on it right now.

“Word on the grapevine is that Amedee is getting cut today,” Garrett says as he swirls a french fry in some mayonnaise.


Alex mutters, “Good riddance.”

I happen to know for a fact that he is getting released today. Gray told me this weekend when we talked, and I know she’s been nervous about it. I’m thankful Frank is going to be in the meeting with her.

“It’s the last thing that needs to happen for this team to really gel,” Zack says thoughtfully.

And that’s true. Since our team meeting almost a month ago, we have become greatly unified. Most everyone on the team has turned their back on Amedee, realizing that his brand of poison is making us suck. Only Sam Larson has remained true to him, and I believe that’s just because the guy is a follower and not a leader. As such, I’m betting he becomes a free agent next year.

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