They got on the office computer and Betty helped her choose a new identity. Donna chose the nickname Twinkle.

Her profile simply said she was a divorcee living in the eastern United States.

"Don't tell anyone what name you had before. Just tell them you are a new chatter," Betty cautioned.

Donna or should I say Twinkle went into chat that evening after she got home from work? She saw the same three chatters that flirted with her when she used her real name Donna making passes at her now as Twinkle. Again she noticed they never came into the chat room at the same time.

She was satisfied if there was someone out there stalking her it wasn't The Enchanter, Teacher or Moccasin Joe, but still it might be someone who came into chat and read her old profile. Twinkle vowed to be extremely careful from now on. She realized what a fatal mistake she might have made.

After about a week she no longer had the feeling she was being stalked. Twinkle had dodged the bullet so to speak. It could have cost her life.

Just to keep the record straight The Enchanter, Teacher and Moccasin Joe were all one and the same, William. That is the reason they were never in there all at the same time. William had planned to take whichever character Donna showed more interest in and get rid of the other 2. Thank goodness that never materialized.

William gave up on Donna after he noticed she no longer came into chat and after surfing through other chat rooms left the chat Internet.

Teacup was almost positive Twinkle had been chatting with Dream Lover. She got in touch with the authorities and told them about the similarities between Dream Lover and this chatter. They waited till he came online and traced the computer IP he was using. It belonged to a library in Topeka, Kansas. By the time the proper authorities were notified and an agent was sent to investigate Dream Lover was long gone. Copyright 2016 - 2025